Mike profile picture


outside frost and geometry play hopscotch upon glass

About Me

Leaning Into Rothko
No, I'm sorry but I don't have the Empire State projected
&nbsp&nbsp on the wall 24 hours a day 7 days a week.
Nor do I have a camera narrating the story of my sleep.
&nbsp&nbsp I wake up in the same position anyway.
I didn't really get why the eyeball had to be sliced
&nbsp&nbsp across the straight-line eclipse of the moon.
Not one projected sound of screams jarred
&nbsp&nbsp my hand to grasp the stare upon crawling ants.
I drove alone, downtown.
Parked under cracked concrete.
Walked through gallery corridors.
Saw myself in a blacktop of oil.
Stepped over artistic things.
Not one word or offering to detail the lean
&nbsp&nbsp into Rothko's color.-there is music in the sunrise:1998:santa cruz
I've pretty much concluded that nostalgia is slowly becoming an outdated concept--I've tried to combine the sensitivity of Duckie, the brash wit of Ferris Bueller, and the tortured cynicism of John Bender into a living philosophy--I like the use of silence as an extra character in films --For my money, the best view of downtown Los Angeles is on the 60/101 interchange at about two o'clock in the morning.
The reference section is the place to be.

My Interests

.. width="425" height="350" .. idiosyncratic reference sources:dystopian asian cinema:photography:writing poetry (b/c my BA can't go completely to waste):figuring out what Criterion Collections to buy when I have $$


Joy Division:Tortoise:the Killers:The Smiths:new order:Happy Mondays:Lush:U2:Pixies:Bows:The Album Leaf:Luna:Ivy:Pinback:Low:Tegan and Sara:Postal Service:Interpol:Bloc Party:Antarctica:Spinto Band:Mogwai:Kings of Convenience:Bella:Feist:Ladytron:American Analogue Set:Theivery Corporation:Yo La Tengo:Belle & Sebestian:Bright Eyes: Peaches:epitonic.com-just a frickin' great idea:Miles Davis' Kind of Blue:Bach:Nick Drake:


DiG!:24 Hour Party People:Code 46:Welcome to Sarajevo:In the Mood for Love:Slacker:Before Sunrise:Before Sunset:Hal Hartley's ongoing career:Sideways:Lost in Translation:Spike Lee Joints:Trois Couleurs Triology:Late 70's and early eighties Woody Allen:Steven Soderberg films (yes, even Full Frontal and The Underneath):Ozu's Tokyo Story:I'll Sleep When I'm Dead:The Croupier:Read My Lips:Walking and Talking:Lovely and Amazing:Next Stop Wonderland:Kicking and Screaming:Blade Runner:2046:6ixtynin9:Last Life in the Universe:Oldboy:Sympathy for Mr. Vengence:Collateral:Heat:The Player:Jackie Brown:Swimming with Sharks:The Usual Suspects:


Murder in Memoriam:The Adventures of Kavalier & Clay:Hermann Hesse:Kundera:Next-the future just happened:Boethius' Consolation of Philosophy:How Soon Is Never:Time Traveler's Wife:The Green Lake is Awake by Joseph Ceravolo:Eroding Witness by Nathaniel Mackey:Edward Gorey:Generation X:Snakes and Earrings:The Archivist:


All my friends.

My Blog

We All Aim To Own

We all aim to own.There is a construction teamon retainerand a broker looking outfor what is new and vacant. New trenches are dug to installplumbing, heating, and power.The basem...
Posted by Mike on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 08:38:00 PST

Theres More to this Nation

Robert Rauschenberg diedon Monday.A younger Charlie Rose spoke softly to himbeyond the American decadeswhile the Nationals & Orielsgame highlights replayedon the other screen. Rose & ...
Posted by Mike on Sun, 18 May 2008 04:04:00 PST

Hello everyone...

I've been a very very bad friend lately. I know some have written me and have been wondering if I got lost under a rock somewhere. I'm still here in Chicago. My life's changed drastically within ab...
Posted by Mike on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 12:42:00 PST

Without moving an inch.

It is all laid outher mise-en-sceneand if I was talking of Ozu's Tokyo Storyyou would know Kyoto bloomsin the spring.It is the next stop,you whispered in my ear.I cried thinkingof Hiroshima.Mon amour,...
Posted by Mike on Mon, 26 Mar 2007 03:52:00 PST

Merging is lost here.

smokingthe black lights pitch...An hour laterI was tailgated at 75 mph.PRICK.It's useless to reasonwith finger gestures.High risk decisionswere kicked out long agoand hitched a rideyear and a half lat...
Posted by Mike on Wed, 07 Mar 2007 06:03:00 PST

The Future...

Has anyone considered the absurdity that we have essentially turned the personal computer into a television?  Hooray YouTube!  Sixty years of modern innovation and we've only combined one id...
Posted by Mike on Wed, 07 Feb 2007 07:31:00 PST

A holiday revelation...

There is absolutely no way to look even remotely cool carrying a crockpot.
Posted by Mike on Wed, 13 Dec 2006 07:11:00 PST

Architects of the White City speak to me.

A nautical greenhouse calling late from Colombian exposition postmarked November 2, 1927.   Warm colored ink setting upon my millionth step on the last millionth mile.   All my fathers &am...
Posted by Mike on Mon, 02 Oct 2006 04:50:00 PST

I just have to say it...

Dave Barry is a hack...of the worst kind.  It's a crime that he's paid.  Thank you.  That is all for now.
Posted by Mike on Wed, 20 Sep 2006 06:31:00 PST

...just for one day.

Heroes...can there be anything more tired?  Superheroes?  Recently, I've been struck by the sheer magnitude of stories, television programs, movies, etc. dedicated to the propagation of The ...
Posted by Mike on Thu, 14 Sep 2006 07:43:00 PST