.. width="425" height="350" .. idiosyncratic reference sources:dystopian asian cinema:photography:writing poetry (b/c my BA can't go completely to waste):figuring out what Criterion Collections to buy when I have $$
Joy Division:Tortoise:the Killers:The Smiths:new order:Happy Mondays:Lush:U2:Pixies:Bows:The Album Leaf:Luna:Ivy:Pinback:Low:Tegan and Sara:Postal Service:Interpol:Bloc Party:Antarctica:Spinto Band:Mogwai:Kings of Convenience:Bella:Feist:Ladytron:American Analogue Set:Theivery Corporation:Yo La Tengo:Belle & Sebestian:Bright Eyes: Peaches:epitonic.com-just a frickin' great idea:Miles Davis' Kind of Blue:Bach:Nick Drake:
DiG!:24 Hour Party People:Code 46:Welcome to Sarajevo:In the Mood for Love:Slacker:Before Sunrise:Before Sunset:Hal Hartley's ongoing career:Sideways:Lost in Translation:Spike Lee Joints:Trois Couleurs Triology:Late 70's and early eighties Woody Allen:Steven Soderberg films (yes, even Full Frontal and The Underneath):Ozu's Tokyo Story:I'll Sleep When I'm Dead:The Croupier:Read My Lips:Walking and Talking:Lovely and Amazing:Next Stop Wonderland:Kicking and Screaming:Blade Runner:2046:6ixtynin9:Last Life in the Universe:Oldboy:Sympathy for Mr. Vengence:Collateral:Heat:The Player:Jackie Brown:Swimming with Sharks:The Usual Suspects:
Murder in Memoriam:The Adventures of Kavalier & Clay:Hermann Hesse:Kundera:Next-the future just happened:Boethius' Consolation of Philosophy:How Soon Is Never:Time Traveler's Wife:The Green Lake is Awake by Joseph Ceravolo:Eroding Witness by Nathaniel Mackey:Edward Gorey:Generation X:Snakes and Earrings:The Archivist:
All my friends.