kRisSeL profile picture


moving on..

About Me

My Interests

bAsKetbaLL, goiNg ouT witH fRiEnds, cLubbiNg, checKing oUt nEw moVies, malling, shOpping, cHattiNg nd meEtiNg neW peOple, tExtiNg and cOllecTing pinK stuffs!Ü

I'd like to meet:

eVeRyoNe... Ü


im nOt tHat paRticuLar witH music... it dEpeNds on my mOod.Ü


My sAsSy girL, the nOteboOk, if onLy, tHe butterfLy eFFect, as gOod as it gets, mr & mrs smitH..