's my life and I'd die without it, sports, family and cooking.
I'd like to meet:
Jesus, Bill Clinton, and Jimmy Carter in his woodworking shop!
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All of it.
What Mythological Creature are you? (Cool Pics!)
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My favorite movie of all time is Pulp Fiction; my second favorite is A Time to Kill. Pulp Fiction for the music and b/c I love Quinten Tarentino...and A Time to Kill due to one line..."Now, imagine she's white." That gets me everytime. Whew, I just got goosebumps just typing that.
I want to write a book entitled "How Jesus was a Liberal." One book I suggest everybody read...The Communist Manifesto. Oh yeah and the best book (compilation) ever written--the New Testament.
AMANDA PRESNELL; Jesus (my favorite guy in the Bible); Paul (formerly known as Saul and my second favorite guy in the Bible); Moses' brother Aaron who never really got recognized for being his brother's interpretter seeing as how Moses had that speech impedement going on. I now gotta add Steve the Lawyer who is now up in heaven...a beautiful soul.
Dr. Richard Spencer (ASU P&R Dept.); John Smotlz; Tiger Woods; Bill Clinton; Jimmy Carter; Al Gore; Martin Luther King, Jr.; Martin Luther; Karl Marx; Jared...that guy who lost a bunch of weight eating Subway food; Paula Dean; Lindsey Buckingham; Doc Watson; Mr. Jones of the Sugar Mtn. PD; JR Stanberry from work; NUB TAYLOR I LOVE YOU for treating people just like Jesus would even though it got you thrown in the slammer...and last but not least...Kelsie who is the greatest most beautiful person I have ever known.