My live journal
My multiply
The fight against the unfair owners of RCBC. My dad is the head of the pepcoalition.
i love food. i love the beach. i love to dive. i love to live. i love tan lines. i love to travel. i love my friends. i love to party. i love to eat. i love to bum around. i love music. i love almost everything. but most of all i love myself. hey guess what... i love my baby joe. I also love blueberry muffins.
Rnb, House, Reggae, Rock
Lucky Number Slevin, Butterfly Effect, Pleasantville, Face Off(classic)
Lost, That Seventies Show, Law and Order, Dr, Phil, Simple Life, Prison break, Surface, The Nanny, Project Runway, America's Next Top Model, Prison Break
The Da Vinci Code, Angels and Demons, Men are from Mars Women are from Venus, The Giver, The Godfather, The five people you meet in heaven
Someone will always be smarter. Their house will be bigger. They will drive a better car. Their children will do better in school. And their partners will fix more things around the house. So let it go and love you and your circumstances. Think about it. The prettiest woman in the world can have hell in her heart. And the most highly favored woman on your job may be unable to have children. The richest woman you know she's got the car, the house, the clothes - might be heartbreakingly lonely. So, love you. Love who you are right now. Tell yourself, "I am too blessed to be stressed." "To the world you might be one person, but to one person you just might be the world."