PRAYER.SPORTS: Basketball, softball, volleyball, racketball, football, tennis, and intense mini golf.Playing guitar, singing, writing, reading, spending time with friends, hiking, fishing, swimming, taking naps (does that qualify as an interest? I think it does.), designing, cooking (especially chocolate rich brownies), and thinking of ways to improve whatever I'm involved in.
Those who long to help others. Those who worship God with no reservation. Those who love to pray. Those who sacrifice their life daily for the benefit of others. Those who love God and love people.View All Friends | View Blog | View Pics | Add Comment
Variety of good Christian bands. Too many to list.Love listening to music, especially on 20,000 hour long road trips... little overstatement, 20 hour road trips. I love worship music and music that inspires and moves my soul.
In general any clean movie (hard to find now days) that has a good story line and a moving and evolving plot. I like deep thinking and deep feeling movies. Adventurous, daring, breathtaking, thought provoking and of course humorous.
Not too interested in TV. Not a very big priority, however I'll watch it on occasion with friends. Clean humor is always enjoyable, some game shows, and some good preaching and teaching.
Authors: Kenneth E. Hagin, E.W. Kenyon, Oswald Chambers, John C. Maxwell, Myles Munroe, Josh Mcdowell, etc.Once again, too many too list. I do enjoy the following topics...Biblical, Leadership, Relational, FinancialThe list goes on...
Those who day in and day out determine to make the lives of others better, even at their own expense... Jesus being our pattern and example.