Victorious profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

- Name Victor
- Gender Male
- Age 24
- Screen Name Murdameeast99 or Victorious
- Birthday March 13th
- Race Hispanic
- School/Grade High School.....College soon
- Job Supervisor
- Status Taken.....Sorry Ladies
- Hometown Meriden
- Current Town New Britain
- Parents Still Together Nope
- Siblings Brother
- Pets My Kitty Harmony
- Smoker No
- Drinker Sometimes
- Virgin HA!!!!
- Orientation Straight
- Drugs HELL NO!!!!!
- Hair Color Brown
- Is it Dyed? No
- Eye color Brown or Whatever I Choose
- Height 5' 11''
- Style Semi-Classy----Casual
- Glasses/Contacts/None? Both
- Freckles Yes
- Body Type Average
- Shoe Size 10 1/2
- Piercings Each Ear and One Tongue
- Want More? Money
- Tatoos? 2 One On Each Arm
- Braces? Been There,Done That
- Overall Best Feature? Smile
- Overall Worst Feature? My Skin
- Do you get most of your traits from mom or dad? My Fathers Look, My Moms Skin Color and Mindset
- Favorite Color Yellow, Green, Black
- Worst Color Purple
- Favorite Number 7
- Favorite Animal Squirrel, Cats
- Favorite Food Pasta, Rib-eyes,Pizza
- Favorite Junk Food Chips, Cookies, Ice Cream
- Favorite Restaraunt Ruby Tuesday
- Favorite Ice Cream Flavor Depends What Mood I'm In
- Favorite Candy Twizzlers, Snickers, Skor, Take 5
- Favorite Alcoholic Drink Hennessy
- Favorite NON Alcoholic Drink Water or Coke
- Worst Alcoholic Drink Amaretto
- Worst NON Alcoholic Drink Seltzer
- Favorite Genre of Music Rap, Country,Rock
- Worst Genre Reggaeton OMG!!!! I Hate Reggaeton
- Favorite Band/Artist Bone Thugs~N~Harmony
- Worst Band/Artist Most Of All The Newer Artist Coming Out
- Favorite Song Jesus~ Bizzy Bone
- Worst Song Anything Thats Reggaeton....It's all the same beat!!!!
- Favorite Radio Station Don't Really Listen To The Radio
- Favorite Type of Movie Funny,Scary,Animated
- Worst Type of Movie Ones With To Many Special Effects
- Favorite Movie Boondock Saints
- Worst Movie Ever The Grudge, Hostel, The Village....You Call That Scary?
- Favorite TV Show Family Guy, Simpsons
- Favorite Season of the Year Fall
- Worst Season Winter
- Best Friend Jackie
- Worst Enemy The Devil
- Favorite Day of the Week Saturday
- Least Favorite Day of the Week Friday
- Favorite Sport Baseball / Football
- One thing you cant get enough of Money
- One thing you hate more than anything Ghetto People
- Are You Single? Nope
- If not, who is your bf/gf? Jackie
- How Long Have You Been Together? Since May 3rd 2008
- Ever Kiss in the Rain? Not Yet
- In a Movie Theater? Yeah
- Underwater? Nope
- First Love Jessica
- Have you ever Cheated on Anyone? Nope
- Been Cheated on? Not Confirmed But I'm Pretty Sure I Have Been
- Used Someone? Kinda
- Been used? Oh Yeah
- Lied to your bf/gf? Of Course
- Ever Made out With Just a Friend? Never
- Ever Had Sex With Just a Friend? Nope
- Are You a Tease? Hahahaha Sometimes
- Do you Flirt a Lot? Always
- Longest Relationship 7 years
- Shortest 2 weeks
- Have you Ever Gotten a Poem? Plenty of Times
- Ever Get Flowers? Once
- Sweetest Thing You've Ever Gotten A Teddy Bear
- Do you Fall in Love Fast? Yes
- Are you a Player? No
- Would you ever Hook Up With Someone of the Same sex? Hell No
- Have You ever Kissed 2 People in One Day? Hahaha Yeah
- Kissed 2 People At One Time? No
- Had Sex with 2 People in One day? No
- Had sex with 2+ People at One Time? No
- Ever cried over someone of the opposite sex? Of Course
- Ever Been Dumped? Plenty Of Times
- Ever dumped someone? Like Once
- Ever been rejected? Yeah
- Ever dated someone more than once? Yeah
- Do you ever make the first move? Never
- Double dates or single? Single
- Do you want to get married? Eventually
- OPPOSITE SEX (what you're attracted to)
- Hair Color Whatever
- Short or long? Long
- Style Sexy Chic
- Age 20's
- Height Shorter Than Me
- Do you care about looks? Of Course....I'm Shallow Like That
- Other
- Can you drive? Yes
- Do You Have a Car? 2008 Yaris
- Do you have a cell phone? Yup
- Are you online a lot? Yeah
- Do you like gay/bi people? They Are Like The Coolest ppl Ever
- Can you speak another language? Some Spanish
- Talk to yourself? Always
- Sex before marriage? Why not?
- Do you trust people easily? Hell No....DTA- Don't Trust Anyone
- Forgive easily? Yeah
- Do you have a secret no one knows? Not Really....I Tell People Everything
- Do you get along with your parents? Yeah
- What about other people? Always
- How do you vent your anger? By Talking Shit About People
- Goal Before you die? A House, Kids, and Lots of Money
- Biggest Fear Fire and Losing My Possesions
- Do you play an instrument? Congas,Bongos
- A daydreamer? Yup
- Shy? Always
- Talkative? Once I Start, I Won't Shut Up
- Energic? Not Really
- Happy? Yeah
- Funny? Always
- Mean? I Can Be At Times
- Nice? Of Course
- Smart? I Was Born Smart
- Sarcastic? Sarcastic? Whats That?......Hahahaha
- Quiet? Yes
- Weird? Oh Yeah!!!!
- Strong (emotionally)? Oh Yeah, I've Been Through Some Stuff
- Strong (physically)? I Would Say So
- Mature? More Than Others That Are My Age
- Religious? Very
- Fun to be around? Yeah
- Loveable? Everyone Loves Me
- Easily Amused? Kinda
- Outgoing? Not Really
- Daring? Sometimes
- Clumsy? Never
- Nosy? Always
- Lazy? Sometimes
- Scary? Nah!!
- A good listener? Of Course

Myspace Surveys

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

George Carlin (R.I.P)
Bone Thugs N Harmony
Someone interesting
Kirstie Alley....DAMN shes hot

My Blog

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