Elan Extreme CEO profile picture

Elan Extreme CEO

About Me

First and foremost, I have a beautiful wife and two lovely children. Okay, well my children are two terrors from this new generation of Hell...LOL. Just Kidding. I have been producing television shows for more than 12 years and working with print publications for more than 5 years. I cant say which I love more. I get equal enjoment from both. I guess it is creating a product and seeing the end result that excites me the most.Throughout my brief span in this business, I have planted my roots in the Washington DC Area. The talent in DC is rich, and I believe that DC is on the verge. The support system needs to be better for anything to happen. This is why I largely use the talents in Washington DC to create my tv shows, magazine content, and music videos. However, the entertainment scene needs better support of its outlets.Elan Extreme Magazine is nationally distributed. It reaches 18-36 demographic nationwide. The Magazine is High Fashion and Entetainment, and we will push the envelope. Tastefully, but Risque nontheless.Mad Flavor TV Show is in 10 cities through comcast. This is an Entertainment/Magazine show with music videos.LOVEMYFLASH CODE /LOVEMYFLASH CODE

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I have met many people since I have been in entertainment. Some have made lasting impressions on me:1. Magic Johnson. I was always a L.A. Laker Fan (except for the year Philly Came out with their song - you old heads remember that). But I was more impressed with Magic's business savvy. I remember the year the tv show did his charity weekend. I personally told Magic that DC needed his business mind to rebuild business infrastructure so that malls would reemerge in PG County. And on queue, there were Starbucks in Hyattesville, Magic Theatres in Landover, and I hear a new Hotel coming soon.2. Stevie Wonder and Prince. NAACP Awards. and I meet Stevie and Prince. Thats like Icons. All old heads gotta thank Prince for International Lover, Do Me Baby, and Insatiable Lover, Oh and 20 minutes of Scandalous (if you dont have the 20 minute mix, you have NO IDEA).3. Halle Berry. Crazy or not. WHAT!4. LL Cool J. Just cause he always show love to Mad Flavor TV Show5. Ludacris and Roberta Shields (and the whole Ludacris Foundation). I can honestly say that the whole DTP Family shows love, support, and I especially love Ms. Roberta Shields. She saw my dream, and with kindness, and support, she help to make my dreams a reality.Add Comment


My Blog

MD Fashion Week Commercial Promo

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GygVllR9mxw Check out my latest work
Posted by on Sun, 14 Jun 2009 08:49:00 GMT

adversary entertainment we all in

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJN7HVczeko DMV Street Banger from Adversary Entertainment. IMEG Studios: We represent the underground. Need a video that wont kill your pocket. (301) 433-...
Posted by on Sat, 23 May 2009 07:39:00 GMT