I have met many people since I have been in entertainment. Some have made lasting impressions on me:1. Magic Johnson. I was always a L.A. Laker Fan (except for the year Philly Came out with their song - you old heads remember that). But I was more impressed with Magic's business savvy. I remember the year the tv show did his charity weekend. I personally told Magic that DC needed his business mind to rebuild business infrastructure so that malls would reemerge in PG County. And on queue, there were Starbucks in Hyattesville, Magic Theatres in Landover, and I hear a new Hotel coming soon.2. Stevie Wonder and Prince. NAACP Awards. and I meet Stevie and Prince. Thats like Icons. All old heads gotta thank Prince for International Lover, Do Me Baby, and Insatiable Lover, Oh and 20 minutes of Scandalous (if you dont have the 20 minute mix, you have NO IDEA).3. Halle Berry. Crazy or not. WHAT!4. LL Cool J. Just cause he always show love to Mad Flavor TV Show5. Ludacris and Roberta Shields (and the whole Ludacris Foundation). I can honestly say that the whole DTP Family shows love, support, and I especially love Ms. Roberta Shields. She saw my dream, and with kindness, and support, she help to make my dreams a reality.Add Comment