Hey, I'm a 20 year old P.I.M.P in Cali. I went to a small shitty school that hardly anyone has heard about called Grove. I was on the baseball team for 2 years and on the basketball team for 1. I have a brother who is in the REV marching band and plays the mellophone.
If I don't have something to do I get bored really easilly and right now I am bored because I have nothing else to do. And that is why I am making a Myspace profile... width="425" height="350">.. .. ..>
Advanced Global Personality Test Results
Extraversion |||||||||||||| 56%
Stability |||||||||| 33%
Orderliness |||||||||| 33%
Accommodation |||||||||||| 43%
Interdependence |||||||||||||||| 70%
Intellectual |||||||||||| 43%
Mystical |||||| 23%
Artistic || 10%
Religious |||| 16%
Hedonism |||| 16%
Materialism |||||||||||||| 56%
Narcissism |||||||||||| 50%
Adventurousness |||||||||||||||| 63%
Work ethic |||||||||||| 43%
Self absorbed |||||||||| 36%
Conflict seeking |||||||||||||||| 63%
Need to dominate |||||||||||||||||||| 83%
Romantic |||||||||||||| 56%
Avoidant |||||| 30%
Anti-authority |||||||||||| 43%
Wealth |||||||||||||||| 70%
Dependency |||||||||||| 43%
Change averse |||||||||||| 43%
Cautiousness |||||||||||||||| 70%
Individuality |||||||||| 36%
Sexuality |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Peter pan complex |||||||||||||| 56%
Physical security |||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Physical Fitness |||||||||||||||| 70%
Histrionic |||||||||||| 50%
Paranoia |||||||||||||| 56%
Vanity |||||| 23%
Hypersensitivity |||||||||||| 43%
Female cliche |||| 16% Take Free Advanced Global Personality Test
personality tests by similarminds.com
adopt your own virtual pet!
Which South Park boy are you?
This quiz was made by Zuzu!
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What Colored Lightsaber Would You Have?
You've made a yellow LightsaberYellow is the color of Honor and Loyalty. It symbolizes caution and foreboding in either direction of the blade, Meaning that the owner is relatively cautious...but also to be cautious of them. Since Yellow stands for both Honor and Cowardice, Once should always think twice before attacking someone with a Yellow Saber.
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What military aircraft are you?
F-15 Eagle
You are an F-15. Your record in combat is spotless; you've never been defeated. You possess good looks, but are not flashy about it. You prefer to let your reputation do the talking. You are fast, agile, and loud, but reaching the end of your stardom.
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Brought to you by YouThink.com quizzes and personality tests.
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Which Automobile Are You?
Ferrari 360 Modena
High class, sexy, powerful, and refined.
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Brought to you by YouThink.com quizzes and personality tests.
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