Dark Lore, BDSM, Sailing, short school girl skirts (worn by others - sicko), LATOA, pagan studies, any books, music, eclectic art.
Myself in the past to slap the crap out of me.
Punk, Metal, Classical, World - Hindu, African, Ardu...
Natural Born Killers, Boondock Saints, Lord of Illusions, Serenity, Cast Away, Donnie Darko, Bollywood Stuff, anything war related, Sweet November, etc...
The angry beavers, The Venture Brothers, Pinky & The Brain, Family Guy (Brian & Stewie Rule), FarScape, Futurama (Bite my shiny metal ass), The Daily Show, Lost, and Discovery/History Channels.
Anything, Tom Robbins or Robert Heinlein, Terry Pratchet - All Time Fav. 'The Moon is a Harsh Mistress'
Anyone who trims the bush............it's political sicko!