hello, im katie. im a southern louisiana chick with big expectations for my life. i have a wonderful boyfriend, louielouie. he is a blessing to my heart. i have a little boy, his name is gabriel christopher. my heart and soul. i moved here to houston after hurricane rita and i think i might be the ONLY rita evacuee that actually stayed. i love music and i love people. i am a huge supporter for my taxes going to new playgrounds, new roads and housing developments, better education for all and saving the world to make a better place for my son to live in the future. i do not support my taxes going to the rediculous war that will never end in the east. my opinion is to just leave those people alone. i dont support our cracked out government. bush, in my opinion is a tyrannic pyro enemy for us americans. through him, i believe the world will end, and all he wants to do is finish his daddy's feud. i call bullshit! i believe if we, as americans, pull together, recycle, and find better fuel sources, we will not kill ourselves and kill the earth, which is a living being, in my opinion. all we humans are, are just parasites to this mother earth and i believe She will fight back one day. so to all you who guzzle the gas and pollute the atmosphere with your exhaust polutions, i pitty you. because you are the one who will end human kind. life is precious. the earth is precious. and we only have so much longer to live. other than that. i am a really nice person. i get along with most. those who cross me, well.....you know who you are. so long. to aquire more about me.....look within. :)
Your Daddy Is George Clinton
What You Call Him: Dada
Why You Love Him: He takes you to Disneyland
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