My Blog
We played recently in a bar called La Bellevilloise.A photographer called Kalel Koven took pictures of us... I uploaded some of them, they are quite beautiful.
Posted by PIERRE & MARIE on Tue, 29 Jul 2008 07:56:00 PST
Names, names, names...
they get me crazy.You know, like PIERRE / PIERRE & MARIE / THE URCHINS... hehehe.So, who is who ? please read on if you are getting confused !1) my new album is a solo album, therefore it's a PIER...
Posted by PIERRE & MARIE on Tue, 13 May 2008 10:27:00 PST
Who Cares ? Me !
Well i just wanna write a few words about my new solo album.You can listen to two of the songs here on myspace.FYI I recorded it last summer... I would like to thank Mikaël from Against Lupa and Stéph...
Posted by PIERRE & MARIE on Tue, 01 Apr 2008 11:22:00 PST
Rock&Folk et autres chroniques
Lu dans le numéro 478 de Rock'n'Folk (rubrique Qualité France) :> "Pierre Bessero a de la suite dans les idées: après une flopée d'albums publiés en solo qui lui ont assuré une réputation de songwr...
Posted by PIERRE & MARIE on Wed, 30 May 2007 05:44:00 PST
Spikes (2)
The Urchins' first album is called "Spikes". 12 songs on it.The songs on myspace are #10 and #04 respectively.We're currently looking for a label to release it. If nothing happens (hehe) we'll handle ...
Posted by PIERRE & MARIE on Thu, 02 Nov 2006 11:59:00 PST
Le premier album des Urchins s'appellera "Spikes" et il y aura 12 chansons dessus.
On a enregistré cet été en groupe (4 oursins étaient présents). Parmi les chansons, il y a du vieux et du récent...
Posted by PIERRE & MARIE on Tue, 17 Oct 2006 11:41:00 PST