Interior Design, modeling, architecture, music, theater & traveling.
Just trying to meet some positive, cool people..r{} div td font {visibility:hidden;} .navbar {visibility:visible;} table td table tr td.text table {visibility:hidden;} table td table tr td.text table table, table td table tr td.text table table td.text {visibility:visible;}
Hip Hop, R&B, Neo Soul, Reggae, Soca & old school doo wop (I have a old soul in a young body).
Coming To America (the all time best comedy), all of Tyler Perry's plays & movies, suspense, some horror (it seems the older I get, the more I become a scaredy cat of horror flicks).
America's Next Top Model, Girlfriends, Def Comedy Jam (love a good laugh), HGTV, TLC, WE, BET, etc, etc...
Urban books (Dutch I & II), interior design books, arts & design books & architecture books.
My mama!