MOVIES i've watched
~bRucE aLmiGhtY,
~brIngIng doWn tHe hoUse,
~sTarSky anD huTch,
~5o fiRst daTes,
~gUesS whO,
~5o fIrsT daTes,
~tHe wHolD tEn yaRds,
~vaN hElsiNg,
~haRry poTteRy,
~kiNg arThuR,
~bouRne suPreMacY 2,
~naTioNal tReaSure,
~meEt thE foCkeRs,
~coAch cArtEr,
~arE wE tHerE yeT?,
~riNg twO,
~muMmy reTurNs,
~feVer piTch,
~kiCkiNg anD sCreAmiNg,
~sTar waRs III,
~bE co0l,
~a loT liKe loVE,
~mR. anD mrS. sMitH,
~laNd oF thE deAd,
~waR oF thE woRldS,
~baTmaN beGinGs,
~faNtaStiC 4,
~weDdiNg cRasHerS,
~foUr bRotHerS,
~thE sKelEtoN keY,
~dEucE biGalOw:euRopEan giGolO,
~4o yeAr olD viRgiN,
~saW II
~haRry poTteR anD thE goBleT oF fiRe
thE cHroNicLes oF naRniA:thE liOn, thE wiTch, anD thE waRdrObe,
~ruMor haS iT,
~kiNg koNg,
~cHeaPer bY thE dOzeN 2,
~biG moMma'S hoUse,
~daTe moVie,
~sCarY mOviE 4,
~naTioNal tReaSurE,
~i aM lEgeNd,
~meEt thE sParTanS,
~dA vIncI coDe,
~thE goLdeN coMpaSs,
~thE heArtBreAk kiD,
~saW IV,
~beE moVie,
~goOd luCk cHucK,
~ruSh hoUr 3,
~i noW pRonOunCe yoU,
~thE siMpsOns,
~28 weEks laTer,
~naCho liBre,
~puRsuIt oF haPpiNesS,
~cHarLotTe's weB,
~oCeaN's thIrtEen,
~niGht aT thE muSeuM,
~sTomP thE yaRd,
~dReaM giRls,
~wiLd hoGs,
~faNtaStic fouR:riSe oF thE siLveR suRfeR
~anD otHer moVieS..
Foreign Movies
~sOrrY, i loVe yoU,
~jEweL iN thE paLacE,
~sTaiRwaY tO heAveN,
~eL maRe,
~mY sAssY giRl,
~a moMenT tO reMemBer,
~fuLl hOusE,
~anD oTheR moVieS...