My philosophy: Don' start , leave that up to others. I think LC said it best when she said: "Like everyone, trust no one." That is tootally what I do. I only trust a couple of CLOSE friends. If I don't want a secret out...then I dont tell a soul! I am giving up my all for God. Because he has truly done so much for us. I just sat down for a long time and thought about Jesus and how much I truly love him. Now, before I do or say ANYTHING, I think twice about what kind of person it will make me. I now think constantly about what I am doing! 90% of the time, everyone annoys me! A lot of the time, I realllly don't mind just being by myself. Because that means: No drama, no annoyance, and sooome peace and QUIET! However, I do love my friends. I am now a senior, and I CANNOT wait to graduate and get the HELL out of high school. stripes layout at HOT
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