--Your money does not impress me, your character does
--I'm on top of my game like I'm standing on an XBOX
--I admit to peeing in my wetsuit without shame (its f*#king cold!)
--I enjoy making loud noise with my guitar along side RONDO MONDO
--Sharks bigger than 4ft scare the shit outta me
--Eating free samples at Costco on the regular is great
--I am "that guy" usually
--I dance like you did in the 80s
--I want to fight Chuch Norris and his beard
--I impress myself on a regular basis
--If you don't surf year round... you don't surf and your a puss
--Always injuring myself while my bruhddas laugh
--I hate watching TV (get a life!) , but I miss "Pop-up Video" on VH1 like crazzzy
--I enjoy exquisite cheezzzs
--I have many leather bound books
--My place smells of mahogany
--OPEC can kiss my ass
--George Bush is a terrorist, I would throw my shoes at him too! I wouldn't miss though.
--I don't like the music on the radio... it blows (same 14 songs over and over and over)
--FOX news is a bunch of haters!
--I enjoy a good mustache
--I hate speedos
--How come girls in every other country I've been to wear smaller bikinis? (not fair)
--I don't like living in the bible belt
--I always have something in my eye lately it sucks
--I hate collared shirts
--Only girls should be allowed to wear pink
--Guys that do wear pink should go to prison
--The waves suck here 360 days out of the year, this place is cursed (whyyy!!!)
--Fast food is gross!!! (is it real meat???)
--I should have stayed in Costa Rica
--Why is there no music scene here? (sick of Jimmy Buffet cover bands..seriously!)
--I live in a Tourist trap!
--I still haven't figured out why some guys wear underwear under their board shorts?? (wouldn't that = the ultimate wedgie?)
--I hate being inside
--All of my toys (boat, 2 scooters, bicycle, jet ski) are broken! What the crap!?!?
--Do girls ever fart???
-- I fish but I never catch anything
--I set world records everyday
--I party like an effing punk rockstar
--I win every argument
--Diarrhea sucks pretty bad!
--I still wish I was a Ghostbuster
--Why do people eat white bread? (you're missing out) and what the hell do they put in it to make it white???
--What the f*ck is mayonaise? and why the hell would you want to eat it?
--Reality TV is a joke
--Abercrombie, American Eagle, Aeropastle, and Express are for "sissy boys"
--People who are constantly miserable and complain get on my nerves
--What is the point in being rude
--I put hot sauce on everything i eat
--Racism is retarded
--I'm sick of dating materialistic girls (they suck and have no life)
--I give people "Indian Burns" when I fight