MACKATTACK profile picture


Chase the Cat, never that

About Me

"Live life, get paid, get laid" "Fuck bitches, Get MoNey"...Well a$ for everybody who knows me, you know I'm as real as it gets; $OLID GOLD..aNd for the hater$ who love to hate you kNow you re$pected me before you hated me.While experieNcing lifes' hard$hip$, oNe finally came to realize the very fiNe liNe betweeN the greatest feeling in the world and that of a disloyal friend. LOVE&HATE. "Lover$ became wor$t eNimies aNd be$t frieNd$ No loNger homie$." It'$ me agaiN$t the world! Fuck everyoNe iN it..!The ladies will love that I'm a single bachelor of no kids who takes care of bussines, knows how to cook, plus lay the pipe. What more can a dime ask for? Ask and they'll tell you, "For tewnty-five he can do what guys our age can do."

My Interests

Free Video and Image Hosting
Graphics Pimps Images Layout Graphics

I'd like to meet:

Get Your Sexy Name


Music Codes - MySpace Layouts


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