PRiNcEss PiNkEE [VIP][408] w/a SupAfLy DisPlayName profile picture

PRiNcEss PiNkEE [VIP][408] w/a SupAfLy DisPlayName

Just my package. God delivered it. I signed for it.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Mostly, I have a boyfriend. He is Superman ; don't bother.
Secondly, I make layouts. All layout questions should be addressed here .

add / msg / block / pictures / videos / SikL8

Hi. I'm TiFFANY, AKA Blondie, PiNKEE, Tiff, TiFF-iN-YAAAAH, Pink, TiFFiSPLiFFi, Barbie, etc. I am a good person, despite what my friends may tell you ;)

I've reached the point in my life where I realize who really matters and who never did. Mostly, don't worry about people who dwell in your past. There's a reason they didn't make it to your future ; P

I have created a group on MySpace for people who love their pets way too much. You can check it out here .

I am on this space for entertainment only. This does not involve sexual entertainment. I am no longer accepting friend requests from boys or bands unless I know them personally. Sorry, it's a waste; I am not going to have sex with you. If I like your music, I will add you. If I don't approve right away, take it as a compliment; I actually want to take time to look at your space. In rare cases, I find people who are also mildly entertaining who I can waste my time away with. But if you won't take the time to learn about me, talk with me, grow with me, joke with me, and love me for who I am, you are not worth my time, and I am not worth yours.

Yes, I do have Yahoo Messenger (pinkeeskweird). I only use it while at work, so I may not be able to respond right away. Deal, I do.

Fuckin' MySpace. Can't let it take over my life.....
Just Plain Tiffany! For real life friends only! (Not for play play, real talk)

Layout Questions Answered Here!
Your Technique sucks.
Surveys in.
Dictionary for Personal Ads
Fill this out Please boost my ego!


My Blog

Survey's in

..>Your Deadly SinsGluttony: 100%Envy: 40%Lust: 20%Pride: 20%Sloth: 20%Greed: 0%Wrath: 0%Chance You'll Go to Hell: 29%You'll die from food poisoning - and then the natives will feast on your fatty lim...
Posted by PRiNcEss PiNkEE [VIP][408] w/a SupAfLy DisPlayName on Fri, 11 May 2007 02:10:00 PST

Layout Questions.

Customizing View more Pics PageThere are a few ways that you can change your view more pics section.   You can change the background colors and text.  All you do is enter the appropriate cod...
Posted by PRiNcEss PiNkEE [VIP][408] w/a SupAfLy DisPlayName on Wed, 31 Jan 2007 06:17:00 PST

Try a different method.

I apologize for this blog not being cooler.  It was really informative and long. Then I scrolled up to reread it and  my sister's crappy computer paged back because my dad did not properly i...
Posted by PRiNcEss PiNkEE [VIP][408] w/a SupAfLy DisPlayName on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 05:37:00 PST


The Position has been filled.I understand that many people use MySpace as a rapid STD acquiring device, but I am not one of them. In fact, the thought of your DNA inside me makes me vomit. Besides,...
Posted by PRiNcEss PiNkEE [VIP][408] w/a SupAfLy DisPlayName on Mon, 05 Feb 2007 08:50:00 PST

Boreder than you. Again.

9 February 1985 Your date of conception was on or about 19 May 1984 which was a Saturday. You were born on a Saturdayunder the astrological sign Aquarius.Your Life path number is 7.Life Path Compati...
Posted by PRiNcEss PiNkEE [VIP][408] w/a SupAfLy DisPlayName on Fri, 13 Oct 2006 01:54:00 PST

The dictionary for personal ads

DICTIONARY FOR WOMEN'S PERSONAL ADS:     40-ish...................................49    ;  Adventurous........................Slept with everyone   ...
Posted by PRiNcEss PiNkEE [VIP][408] w/a SupAfLy DisPlayName on Thu, 06 Jul 2006 10:03:00 PST

illogical, manipulative bitches... pretty much

Okay, so I was doing something I quite frequently do.....looking for something of value on the internet.  Usually I am disappointed.  However, whoever wrote the following is probably the sma...
Posted by PRiNcEss PiNkEE [VIP][408] w/a SupAfLy DisPlayName on Tue, 31 Jan 2006 02:03:00 PST


Procrastination To put off doing something, especially out of habitual carelessness or laziness; to postpone or delay needlessly - comes from the Latin pro, meaning forward, forth, or in favor of, an...
Posted by PRiNcEss PiNkEE [VIP][408] w/a SupAfLy DisPlayName on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

This is what COOL people do!

1. Name:2. Age:3. Fave Color:4. Fave Movie:5. Fave Song:6. Fave Band:7. Most Embarassing Moment:HERE COMES THE FUN ... ... ...1. Are we friends?2. Do you have a crush on me?3. Would you kiss me?4. ......
Posted by PRiNcEss PiNkEE [VIP][408] w/a SupAfLy DisPlayName on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Fill it out and you'll be loved by me forever... maybe1. Who are you?2. Are we friends?3. When and how did we meet?4. Do you have a crush on me?5. Would you kiss me?6. Give me a nickname and explain w...
Posted by PRiNcEss PiNkEE [VIP][408] w/a SupAfLy DisPlayName on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST