Member Since: 14/05/2006
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Band Members: The Gleasons are now on . We'd love to tweet at you- and hear your tweets too!!
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Our members:
David Stevens. songwriter, singer, guitarist, fearless leader.
Andy Potocic. right-hand man, singer-songwriter, guitar master (and mandolin, and banjo, and just about anything else). He can improve any song.
Crisse Reynolds. Magic-fingered fiddler and vocalist.
Sara Eagleboy. Flute, whistle, vocals: amazing.
Barry Salem. Keeping time, time, time. Drummer and rhythmic backbone.
Suzanne Hegerty Kreuziger. Bassist, harmony vocals, and optimism.
Kelp Chofs. Keyboard, evocative synth, and auxiliary percussion. Vibraslap extraordinaire.
Influences: The seven of us each bring our own influences both traditional and modern, melding them into a sound uniquely ours. If we had to make a list, it might include U2, Johnny Cash, Great Big Sea, The Pogues, Rush, The Who, and the canons of bluegrass and Celtic music.Header Banner Made with! Click here to make your own!
Sounds Like: We sound like ourselves! Talented musicians who love to play, and collaborate to make our own sound. See for yourself with these videos we put together.
Big Black Stout
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Type of Label: Unsigned