I have some. Primarily, following my balloon. Why won't you follow your balloon?
I don't know, people are all so... so weird.
They all scare me just a little.
Well, all except for you.
You seem okay.
Wanna go eat a chocolate-dipped light bulb with me?
Kucinich 4 President
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I love montage music. It's so inspirational. And it makes me feel like I've accomplished something, even though I'm just watching my tv, eating chocolate graham crackers.
Only the ones you have to read.
Cartoons and only cartoons.
Only the ones you don't have to read.Actually, I’m currently enamored with the Beats. So, the Holy Beat Trinity: Burroughs, Ginsberg, and Kerouac, plus Bukowski, Hunter Thompson, Ferlinghetti and others of the generation. I also read a lot of Buddhist and Taoist literature, books on psychology and whatever else sparks my interest for the day.
Frank Zappa, John Cage and William S. Burroughs - (each a true genius in his own way, all jokes aside. The music and literary worlds owe a great debt to the three of them.) And The Mayor of Jefferton, because his door is always open for you.