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Mike Downey

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Recently released
Bubble Shield : My Raspberry Nights - This is an instrumental solo project I started working on in 2007. Feb 2009 finally saw the release. Really different than my usual output. This is a free download via Astor Bell or purchase a hand made CDR with an extra bonus track.
Mike Downey : How Kind Harbor - This song is exclusive to the Eggnog Series Two First Compilation 3" CDR EP. Ordering info here .
Mike Downey : On Goldwire - A smallish collection of acoustic songs I recorded while drinking red wine. Available here .
Upcoming releases
Mike Downey : title TBA. Coming out sometime in the 2nd half of 2009, I think. Details are sketchy. This is a 100 song collection of stuff I never properly released dating back to something like 1994. Will be a free download via heartphone
Erasing Clouds
Kicking Gas for Laughs is a lark of an album. It has a lovable looseness to it, keeping traits of his best songwriting – a dual directness/ambiguity, great pop melodies – while playing around with new sounds. [It] is an album with its own sound and a great feeling to it, a spirit of excitement.
Hold Horses is driven by textures as much as melody and emotion. The atmosphere is pretty but also lonely, and it still rocks in its own way. ...there’s rock guitar but also synths, and it’s all been messed around with. That could be his credence perhaps. He’s always doing his own thing, without care for commerce even, which in music is always something to celebrate.
<[i>Spring by Resplendent/Downey is] basically a pop song about the season of renewal in a dirty, lonely city, complete with an absurdly catchy chorus, but it's not recorded like a pop song. Lenzi's buzzing synth and textural guitar mesh with the snapping, well-ornamented beat to create a humid, twitching wall of sound whose texture shifts constantly through the song-- hardening here, going all mushy and woozy there-- to draw you along with him through the city to the lakeshore. There's a bit of mixing and editing from Mike Downey, who's made it available as part of a free EP on his website-- not a bad price for something so creative and fresh.
Buy or Stream these LPs
Kicking Gas for Laughs
by Mike Downey Download | Share
Hold Horses
by Mike Downey Download | Share
Adventure, Bless and Don't Be Sorry
by Mike Downey Download | Share
The Mike Downey Podcast Series ran in 12 installments in 2007. The episodes include a large deal of my previously-unreleased demos and outtakes as well as Wolfie, National Splits and Mathlete rarities, compilation appearances, etc... All of the episodes are available here .
Here is the complete Mike Downey discography (2005 - present).
Here is the complete discography of all of my previous bands and projects (1994 - 2004).

My Interests


Member Since: 14/05/2006
Band Website: www.mike-downey.com
Sounds Like:
Record Label: heartphone / series two / recordhead
Type of Label: Indie

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