Tennis, snowboarding, flag football, driving, riding motorcycles, yahoo spades, blackjack, poker, DVDs, hennessy, Starbucks Doubleshot Espresso Drinks
People with good hearts.
Lately it's jazz
Shawshank Redemption, A River Runs Through It, Goodfellas, Shrek, LOTR, Comin to America, Maverick, Young Guns, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Basketball Diaries
Grew up watching: Robotech, Transformers, GI Joe, Smurfs, M.A.S.K., Brady Bunch, Leavit to Beaver, Saved by the BellNow I watch: Lots of sports - football, baseball, basketball, and poker. Discovery channel, food tv, Simpsons, the news.
Currently Reading: Zen & the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
Barry Sanders, Walter Payton, Barry Bonds, Ivan Lendl, Pete Sampras, Mrs. McClough, Tupac, Jim Courier, Chris Spielman, John Carmack, John Madden, my brother, mom, and sister.