BETTER OFF FRED profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

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Lets see, I'm not a 13 year old girl, in a struggling band, gay, a 40 year old pervert, or a hot asian model/musician. So why the hell am I on MySpace? Oh that's right, to appease my friends. You know who you are.

There's only one Return and it aint of the King it's of the Jedi.
-Randle Graves

I'll start this off without any words.
I got so high I crapped on a bird.
-Kurt Cobain featuring Daniel Hope

I don't want no part of yo' tired ass country club, ya freak bitch!
-Buster Bluth

You know I'm sick of following my dreams man. I'm just going to ask where they're going and hook up with them later.
-Mitch Hedberg

Haven't you learned anything from that guy who gives those sermons at church? Captain Whatshisname?
-Homer Simpson

At first I thought, if I were Superman, a perfect secret identity would be "Clark Kent, Dentist," because you could save money on tooth X-rays. But then I thought, if a patient said, "How's my back tooth?" and you just looked at it with your X-ray vision and said, "Oh it's okay," then the patient would probably say, "Aren't you going to take an X-ray, stupid?" and you'd say, "Aw fuck you, get outta here," and then he probably wouldn't even pay his bill. -Jack Handy

My Interests

Bike riding, going to the movies, wasting weekends watching DVDs with friends, reading comics (yes you do have to read them. It's not just pictures), making fun of Noel, surfing the net (24/7 if I could)

I'd like to meet:

Kevin Smith, Jessica Alba, Kira Kener, Fat Elvis, Dane Cook, Jessica Alba, Batman, Jessica Alba, Gene Simmons, George Lucas (so I can kick him in the nuts for the prequals), David Cross, and last but not least Jessica Alba, oh and that girl from Dark Angel. What the hell is her name? Jennifer something.


KISS, Elvis, Journey, Moby, Rage Against the Machine, Nine Inch Nails, KMFDM, Ministry, Dwight Yoakam, INXS, MC Chris, Van Halen, NIRVANA, Jesus Jones, The Pet Shop Boys, Frank Black, Dada, Erasure (I'm not gay) Morrissey (really, I'm not gay)my friend Noel's band Licorice Trix...or some such nonsense.

The Stickery Licks
Monkey Spank Monkey
The Emo Homos
Steak and Kidney Punch
They Might Be Clients
Broke Back Betty
The One Eyed Crazy Babies


Young Frankenstein, Clerks, Ocean's Eleven, O Brother Where Art Thou?, Black Hawk Down, The Royal Tenenbaums, The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, The Wedding Singer, Sin City, From Dusk Till Dawn, Rocky I-IV (RockyV sucks and you all know it!), Karate Kid 2, Bubba Ho-Tep (The "Elvis" Commentary is the best thing ever.), Shaun of the Dead, Sleepy Hollow, The Goonies, Empire Strikes Back, Return Of The Jedi, the last two Matrix movies (no wait I hate those movies), Over the Top, The Great Outdoors, American Ninja, Predator, Young Guns, Big Trouble in Little China, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Friday...


The Simpsons, Arrested Development, The Office, Attack Of The Show, Stargate Atlantis, Battlestar Galactica, The Showbiz Show, My Super Sweet 16 (aka World's Worst Parents), The Daily Show, Seinfeld, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, The Venture Brothers, Justice League Unlimited, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, The Shield, Perfect Strangers, The Cosby Show, Three's Company, M*A*S*H*, Dog the Bounty Hunter, American Chopper, Robin & Company


Silent Bob Speaks - The Collective Writtings of Kevin Smith

Anything by Shel Silverstein

Sci-Fi novels by Timothy Zahn

The Death and Life of Superman by Roger Stern

Any short story by Flannery O'Connor


The Amazing World of Carmine Infantino

Batman: A Lonely Place of Dying by Marv Wolfman, George Perez, Jim Aparo, Tom Grummett, Mike DeCarlo, & Bob McLeod

The Bicycle Repair Manual



Bill Waterson- I miss Calvin & Hobbes

Kevin Smith- "37"

Robert Rodriguez- TROUBLEMAKER

Matt Groening- "D'Oh!"

Eddie Murphy- "Dat don't look like no McDonalds"!

Bill Finger- The true creator of Batman

Joe Don Baker- Why the hell not?

My Blog

Check out Chekov

  This weekend was the Dallas Comic Con Fan Days.  It was the usual comic book vendors trying to sell their copies of "Little Lulu" comics and Senator Jar Jar action figures and background ...
Posted by BETTER OFF FRED on Tue, 20 Mar 2007 07:43:00 PST


Aren't snow days or, as they're called in the DFW area, "Inclement Weather Days" the best days ever?  I never thought I'd be back to listening to the radio early in the A.M. on a cold morning hop...
Posted by BETTER OFF FRED on Wed, 17 Jan 2007 07:36:00 PST

Worst Star Wars Movie Ever!!

Long long ago in a galaxy far far away...There was a beautiful princess who was being chased by an evil man cloaked in dark robes. She possessed something that the dark man and his emperor wanted. Kno...
Posted by BETTER OFF FRED on Thu, 11 Jan 2007 06:25:00 PST

You're all Wide Awake Nightmares!!

Haven't posted in a while, so I thought I'd just drop a few words to anyone who actually reads these things.  That reminds me Brad, do you remember when we started our blogs on a coup...
Posted by BETTER OFF FRED on Tue, 29 Aug 2006 04:06:00 PST

cingular lickin' good! pt. 3

Well Ive been on the floor taking calls at good old Cingular now for two weeks.  Its tough getting used to the 700-1600 schedule and split days off.  Whats not tough to get used to, is the p...
Posted by BETTER OFF FRED on Sat, 08 Jul 2006 05:25:00 PST

The yellow "Fred Strong" braclets will be on sale soon.

Well folks, it finally happened. I fell off the bike that has brought me so much joy for the past two years.  It was like my best friend betrayed me. My arm hurts like eight bitches on a bitch bo...
Posted by BETTER OFF FRED on Tue, 30 May 2006 04:36:00 PST

cingular lickin' good! pt. 2

Friday ends week two of the seven week cingular training.  The week's gone by pretty good.  We had a substitute trainer earlier this week who told us a story about how his father is locked a...
Posted by BETTER OFF FRED on Fri, 19 May 2006 07:26:00 PST

cingular lickin' good! pt. 1

Started week two of cingular today.  That place is cool.  I've been there over a week and have yet to be shocked by my computer or sat in a chair that cut me or tossed me to the ground like ...
Posted by BETTER OFF FRED on Tue, 16 May 2006 09:46:00 PST

This is my safety

It's Sunday, so of course I slept late. Rode my bike about 10 miles before both suns rose on Tatooine.  Spent the rest of the day watching the Black Hawk Down three disc special edition DVD I bou...
Posted by BETTER OFF FRED on Mon, 15 May 2006 07:25:00 PST