Stupid, frigid, needy, crazy, clingy, moody, whining, lonely, unbalanced, extremely insecure, totally dependant, all consuming, utterly smothering, highly emotional, incredibly vulnerable and hyper sensitive. (Sometimes... I cry)..."Hold me".
OTHER THINGS ABOUT ME:I lost my soul in a game of cards. I sleep in an oxygen chamber (and there's only room for 3.) I drive a car made of clay. I'm very good at 'Bobbing for Cabbage'. I fucked your dad. I'm allergic to skin. I think Chlamydia is a nice name for a girl. If I had a nickel for everytime a blew a horse, I'd have ten cents. I enjoy being whipped with Red Vines. I have a removable hump.THINGS I'VE LEARNED:- It's only harrassment if the feeling's not mutual
- All things fuzzy, are not cute
- I can NOT out run the cops in heels
- 'Refuck' is not a word
- Tuna is not a deoderant
- Your husband likes me best
- Caviar was never meant to be eaten
- I CAN kill and get away with it
- Handcuffs hurt if the safety's not on
- Penicillin does not cure everything
- I stay crunchy in milk
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My Interests
I'd like to meet:
Hermaphrodites, A ventriloquist with a speech impediment, More Amish folk, Mimes, Bulimic cannibals and David Zucker.
My Blog
Tucker Carlson on, Dancing with the Stars?
Seriously? What, did they run out of C list celebrities? Was Tony Danza too busy? Are the pickings really so slim in the field of, desperate "has beens" trying to reinvent their careers, that the netw... Posted by on Wed, 13 Sep 2006 01:50:00 GMT