no one is promised tomorrow, so carpe diem, live life for today
About Me
Hey there, so to appease my Manda Panda,Miranda and anyone else who asks where is my myspace, here it is. So about me in six weeks I will be leaving the lovely lights of Stockton, for the Hollywood hills. Well not quite hollywood but Southern California for sure. I am excited to be starting a graduate program in Occuaptional Therapy. I have had a quite a hell of a year,and I am just happy to be able to enjoy life to its fullest. I hope to talk to many old friends, from near and far. Ok so this is a work in progress for me, so I will add more as I find relevant but for now I am tired of talking about me.Update: so I am enjoying the sights of South pasadena, and am becoming a loyal Trojan fan. Go USC!