Are you one of the 3 P`s? (Poser, Punk, Prep)
What do they call you?
When is your cake-day?
What color are you feelin`?
What grade you reppin`?
What`s your favorite song?
You are a ViRGiN =) FALSE
You are in l0ve FALSE
You are: YOURSELF! - Yes, you are N0T one of the 3 P`s. GO Y0U! You have your own style and personality that is impossible to label! There is not one word that can describe you. All there is to say is...NEVER CHANGE.
You are a true: Friend - Your not selfish at all! You care about other people and their needs.
You like: Hanging with friends - Unlike other people, you have friends who understand and care about you! They may have let you down a couple times, but nothing can come between your strong friendship!
One of your go0d qualities is: that you are Sweet! Everyone notices how kind you are to others, people love being around you =) You brighten everyones day!
This Quiz by lil_mmm - Taken 228565 Times.
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by DesideroAmor
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Favorite Color
Hours 6
Minutes 9
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Mariah Carey - We Belong Together
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