Samy < ..M.O.R.B.I.D..> profile picture

Samy &lt; ..M.O.R.B.I.D..&gt;

Hey, call the angels. This [R.A.Z.O.R.] [B.L.A.D.E.] was ment for me. Hey, call the angels. We will

About Me

HOT Myspace Layouts

My name is Samantha , just call me Samy or Sam .
I live in the stupidest town , i hate it here and cant wait to move!
Im the type of person who thinks that i look like shit. To me i dont have a very high self esteam in fact its extrealy low.
My daughter is my life. Shes one of the best things that has happened to me no matter how hard or easy she is to take care of.
I dont have that many friend that i would call friends. i have maybe 5 or less. They also mean the world to me. One or two of those friends are the only ones i can talk to about everythin that is going on.
Most of you guys already know that i cut ... its not something im proud of but i do want you to know so your not surprised when you find out and get mad at me for not telling you. I have been cutting for around 4 or 5 years now. Dont ask me why i cut - its the stupidest question and i hate it. I have been trying to stop becuz of my daughter but i cant seem to quite. Alot of ppl i know tell me that its soo easy to stop and its not. Not if your like me. Everyone thinks there is something wrong with me but there is not. Cuttin is just another way i let my feelings out like crying. It works for me and thats all that matters. But i will stop sooner or later ... i hope.
I have a few rules for whom ever would like to add me to msn or yahoo. FALLOW THEM:
1. If I dont know you, dont call me sexy, beautiful, or shit like that. I hate it
2. Dont be perverted in any way or I will block and delete your sick ass on the spot. Thats a PrOmIsE!
3. Do not flirt with me! Seb, and Caro are the only one that can!! XD --love you guys!

My Interests

i like bats!!
black is my fave. color
i love music
monkeys kick ass
emily the strange is the best
computers rock out loud
anything with horror in it rocks my world
friends are also the best
Halloween is the best holiday ever
poetry is the best way to express yourself i think
i LOVE writing stories and peoms!!

I'd like to meet:

David D!!!!
--- Dro --- i acctually meet him already XD


Simple Plan
System Of A Down
Guns And Roses
Cradle Of Filth
Bella Morte
The Birthday Massacre
Skinny Puppy


Harry Potter 1-4
8 Mile
SeaQuest DSV
The Crow
Cry Baby
Midnights Child
Interveiw With The Vampire
Hocus Pocus
Queen Of The Damned
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Hard To Kill
Harly Davidson And The Marlboro Man
Peter Pan -with jeremy sumpter in it
The Little Vampire
St. Elmo's Fire
The Breakfast Club
Kiki's Delivery Service
The Lake House
The Longest Yard
Finding Neverland
50 first dates
Aeon Flux
The Craft
The Ring 1 and 2
The Grudge
Dawn of the Dead
The Punisher - the old one and the new one
Exorsisum Of Emily Rose
Nightmare on Elm Street
The Nightmare Before Christmas
Friday The 13th
all of the Halloween movies
Child's Play
The Shining
The Silence of the Lambs
Night of the Living Dead
All of the Terminator movies
Freddy vs. Jason
Silent Hill
Saw 1 & 2
The Amityville Horror
Shaun of the Dead
28 Days Later
Pirates of the Caribbean 1 & 2


Veronica Mars
Cowboy Bebop
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Neds Declassifides
Zoey 101
Gilmore Girls
Road Rules
SeaQest DSV
Food Network
Sex in the City


Define Normal,
Go Ask Alice


My Dad!
My Sister
My best pally Caroline!
wiL Francis
Danny Jones
Mikey {[from TMNT]}

My Blog

im sick of it!!!

Don't you hate it when someone tells you they know your something and you tell them your not but they don't believe u? Well I FUCKIN HATE IT! I'm so sick of people telling me that I don't love them o...
Posted by "In Your Cold Hands I Cry" on Sun, 04 Feb 2007 12:55:00 PST

I. H.a.v.e. L.o.s.t. M.y. D.i.g.n.i.t.y.

I Have Lost My Dignity   Confused is all I am, Scared is what I have become, Shadows are all I know, Slowly I'm dieing.   Shoved to the ground, I've lost my dignity.   Scrambl...
Posted by "In Your Cold Hands I Cry" on Mon, 29 Jan 2007 03:13:00 PST

O.H. M.Y. G.A.W.D.!.!.!.!.!.

Zaya: Hi..Samantha: hey..Zaya: Well that's good enough..Zaya: Bye..Samantha: whatSamantha: ...?Zaya: I've nothing else to say so i at least said hi. Samantha: ok ... is Kim like making u talk to me Sa...
Posted by "In Your Cold Hands I Cry" on Sat, 06 Jan 2007 04:30:00 PST

W.H.A.T. T.H.E. F.U.C.K.?.?.?.

i am gettin soooo fuccin sick and tired of ppl tellinme to stop cutting and stop being depressed and get help for it .. and when i fuccin finally do everyone is fuccin hates me for it.i wanted help so...
Posted by "In Your Cold Hands I Cry" on Thu, 21 Dec 2006 01:53:00 PST

G.A.W.D. W.H.Y. M.E.?.

GAWD!!!why me?why does it always have to be me?i fuccin hate it!!ok it seems like the more i hang out with certain ppl the more i like them.IM NOT SUPPOSED TO LIKE THEM!they are my best friends!!NOOO!...
Posted by "In Your Cold Hands I Cry" on Tue, 19 Dec 2006 08:06:00 PST

I.M. S.L.O.W.L.Y. D.R.O.W.N.I.N.G. I.N. A. R.I.V.E.R. O.F. M.Y. O.W.N. S.A.R.R.O.W.

Gawd!! ... i hate this!! i hate my mom!! i hate this town!! i hate this school!! i hate most of the ppl here!! i fuccin hate my life right now!!i dont know whats worse right now..just everything is - ...
Posted by "In Your Cold Hands I Cry" on Thu, 14 Dec 2006 08:05:00 PST

T.a.s.t.e. O.f. C.h.a.o.s. - T.o.u.r. D.a.t.e.s.

Thu 2/15 Seattle, WA Everett events Center Sat 2/17 San Francisco, CA Bill Graham Civic Auditorium Sun 2/18 Reno, NV Lawlor Events Center Tue 2/20 Fresno, CA Selland Arena Wed 2/21 San Diego, CA San D...
Posted by "In Your Cold Hands I Cry" on Sat, 02 Dec 2006 08:45:00 PST

D.I.E. R.O.M.A.N.T.I.C. -P.O.E.M.-

"DIE ROMANTIC" She screams along With the song As she sits In her room Thinking of her doom   If she realized What she has She wouldn't do it She wouldn't put The gun to her head She ...
Posted by "In Your Cold Hands I Cry" on Fri, 24 Nov 2006 07:54:00 PST

H.E.Y. B.O.Y. [-*-[poem]-*-]

Hey Boy!How could you?You hurt me.I liked you,Now I hate you!How could you?I mean you broke me,Inside and out!...
Posted by "In Your Cold Hands I Cry" on Wed, 22 Nov 2006 02:51:00 PST

O.M.F.G. *.*.* H.A.P.P.Y. D.A.N.C.E. *.*.*

OMFG!!!im like soo happy!! ok well firstly.. you remember how i said i was gunna get help with my cutting**(you u have not read my other blog or two go do so now or you can skip ahead)**well yeah i ha...
Posted by "In Your Cold Hands I Cry" on Mon, 20 Nov 2006 08:10:00 PST