Hey! My name is Stacey but everyone calls me Stace! Or they call me Meme. First of all, most important I am a dreamer & I've got a heart of gold. I am a seeker & believe in the occult. Most of my friends ( & ex's ) will tell ya that I am a BIG smart-ass! I've been described as being "spunky." I'm also a big conspiracy buff. I do not believe Lee Harvey killed JFK, I do not believe James Earl Ray killed Dr. King. Hell I don't even believe we went to the moon!! I am the mother of 2 of the best daughters. They bring joy & happiness to the world. I could never live w/out them, they were the best thing I ever did. They are 16 & 11. I really would like to have 1 more though. We've always been on our own. We have 8 cats that like to stare us down whenever we eat. We are living in the City View area of southwest FTW. I like to drive around, but always being challenged to race my Mustang w/other muscle cars especially when another Mustang pulls along side of me at a light. I like meeting up w/my friends to have a drink or just hang. My friends are the best anyone could ever ask for. My other interests include helping animals, protecting, & saving them. My other interest is a little on the "dark-side." I enjoy to discover the supernatural, paranormal activity, finding haunting places, & investigating hauntings themselves. My friends & I that are interested in this activity like to go to the graveyard at night, especially the one's in weird places & in the middle of nowhere. Our family's hobbies include going to the movies, the outdoors, tubing is sooooo fun, canoeing, & just spending time w/each other. I never go out w/anyone anymore, more or less a homebody now. To ALL you men & I do mean ALL. I suggest you leave me alone! I do not have the strength, nor the time to play foolish kiddie games that a lot of you guys like to play. I am not a kid anymore like most of y'all try to act like. I'm soooooooo crazy! Crazy like a fox! I am a "unique" individual & no one has ever been able to figure me out!! One word that describes me best would be "Enigma" You will never ever meet another soul like me. I do NOT go w/the flow in my life, like most people do. That in itself makes me "extraordinary." I am a genuine person who tries to believe the best in everyone, that is until you give me reason to believe otherwise However, I am a firm believer in second chances. That's how we grow. Remember life is an adventure, a journey, & everything happens for a reason, even the crappy stuff. THESE BEAUTIFUL ANIMALS ARE DISAPPEARING AT AN ALARMING RATE. WHO ARE WE TO MAKE THAT DECISION ON GOD'S BEHALF!