Dean of students at the steward school, a small private cookie cutter factory in the heart of the County of Henricus, Virginia. I love to enforce manual labor while constantly doing my R. Lee Ermey impressions; the kids think i"m really hip. I don't actually like my job, but it takes a certain variety of man to illucidate on the multifarious facets of handing out tough love...and of course, my favorite genre of music is 70's soul and R&B. The variety of man who's not afraid to know that he's still got what it takes to please a 65. Sure, some do criticize my methods: of discipline, conduct, choice of fashionable neck-ware, etc, but mostly just discipline. And trust me, it hurts me to do this, but I love it; that makes me a masochist. I think that has something to do with my experience in 'nam. But now, I'm dating myself, and I wouldn't do that - though I am devilishly charming and handsome. I have a whole bottle full of Scorned woman in my office. Have I gone too far? I don't think so, but one time I did throw a kid into the detention gulag for looking at me funny (while showing off my average vocabulary). I'm a stock market daytrader, and when I retire I'm going to purchase my own private tropcial island - where I hunt the most dangerous game of all: Man.
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