Johnny profile picture


It is just me!!!

About Me

You ask and I will tell you the truth.I am trying to finish my first major in Engineering and Design for an Associate Applied Science Degree, Which I am working to get a job for to do the internship for this summer 2007, but THIS DEGREE IS ON HOLD FOR NOW. I started my second major for my Associate Applied Science Degree in Horticultural/Landscape Management and I am in my third semester of this program. I have scheduled myself for 18 credit hours and with a internship thrown in there for good measure.I am currently unemployed, it is now going on over two years. I have gotten help from my family and also pell grants with federal student loans to. I am in debt 'up to my eyeballs.' But I am rich in heart! I will get out it just this with time and patience.Please, read my blog entries that I have posted with my profile,they will tell you about who and what type of person and man that I am, Thank You...

My Interests

I am trying to keep from becoming homeless.To have a career and business in home/small office design to be handicap accessible. To 'feel' human again. To find the woman of my dreams and to get married, to be a lover, husband, father and to have as many children that i can father with only 5% fertility chance to make all of that happen, but it takes two to do it. I do love children very much, I want my own, I hunger to be a father.I love and adore my pets. I have 8 cats and you would have to kill me to take them away they are my babies.I am interested in women that are very well endowed and all natural, that even goes for the women with the condition VBH. I have the utmost respect for women that have to deal with the public, and public has know understanding of what VBH ladies AND GENTS have to go through in a day. The public should walk a mile in your shoes.My other major interests in my life is to not be lonely any more. To stop suffering from the deep depression that is brought on by lonliness, but I am limited as to where to go with my present financial situation. I DON'T LIKE BRING ALONE!!!

I'd like to meet:

Tyra Lynne Banks, I have 7 who have accepted my invitation to become my friends! Read my friends list. Each and every one tells me they are the REAL Tyra Lynne Banks. I have the greatest and deepest feelings for Tyra Lynne Banks and she will never know what she is missing!!!Need more information about me read my blog entries that contain some of my life's experiences along with attentions and warnings.PLEASE, READ MY BLOG LADIES..............WARNING................ NO ONE UNDER THE AGE OF 20 DO NOT send TO BE FRIEND REQUESTS, I WILL 'DENY' THEM.************************************** FOR WOMEN HOW WANT TO BE MY FRIENDS AND ARE "LINKED" TO A XXXPORN SITE, THIS IS INSULTING TO SAY THE LEAST!!! T*H*I*S..I*S..F*I*N*A*L..W*A*R*N*I*N*G ---------------------------------------I would love to meet my true soulmate, WHEREEVER SHE IS!!! It doesn't not matter what race you are, what health or medical condition you ladies may have. If you a transsexual pre-opt and post-op and want to be wanted. I am a lover of large breasted women. For more formation you can read my blogs BEFORE you write to me. It is not all physical either and I can be a passionate and emotional person just like you ladies. It is just not customary for a Man to show his feelings in public or in front of a woman, it is not being a strong gentleman.I AM SORRY THAT SOME OF THIS INFORMATION IS UNSETTLING TO SOME OF YOU LADIES. I AM JUST TRYING TO BE HONEST TO ALL OF YOU LADIES AND I ONLY WANT THE SAME IN RETURN. THERE IS ALOT MORE OF MYSELF THAT I HAVE NOT WRITTEN HERE OR IN MY BLOGS, THAT IS FOR ONLY 1-TO-1 TYPE OF RELATIONSHIP. I have already been told that I am TOO honest, and I have still alot of mystery yet for you ladies to explore, is your choice to do the exploring!!!I have just be insulted by being asked about my manhood and a picture of it. What does my manhood have to do with become a friend. I am a gentleman not a prostitute. Please no more of this!!!The friends list count is way off, this has todo with the sites system and how it is maintened and operates, which needs maintenance very badly!!!..!


i Like some rap, classical; like Bach, Beethoven, Strauss, etc, etc, etc!!!


Ark, any of Jackie Chans movies.I am sorry Tyra, I keep on missing any of your movies, but I did catch the last 5minutes of Coyota Ulgy.I have others movie titles just can't recall them right now.


Friday nights SciFi channel; 'Stargate SG-1', 'Stargate Atlantis', the new 'Battlestar Galatica', Dresden Files, Jake 2.0, and Heroes; and other SciFi shows and movies. My along awaited friend the newly revised 'Dr. Who', that I have adopted as my "father" figure. I 'wished that HE was my dad.


Non-fiction 'The earth chronociles' by Zacheria Sitchin. Need to finish reading the series, two finish and 9 more to go. I can not forget the BIBLE. Have read the BIBLE 3 times in chronological order, not cover to cover, you can understand the writings better. I WOULD LIKE TO SEE A PRIEST READ THE BIBLE THAT MANY TIMES AND WORKING ON THE FOURTH TIME.


Jesus Christ, Chuck Norris, Bruce Lee, Abraham Lincoln, John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr.; not because he was black, but because he stood for human rights for all. I lived that time and seen his death and 'I cried.' I must not forget 'My Mama', she has been on her own since she was 15 years old, and is my truly bestest Friend...

My Blog

I am just me!

Well, basicly I am just me. A unemployed workaholic that needs to keep busy. If you ladies want to know more about me...then treat me with respect and honor just like you want to be treated. If you ar...
Posted by Johnny on Mon, 15 May 2006 11:56:00 PST