So I’m Paul Spencer.
I have various nicknames, none of them particularly in genius to be fair.
My life at the moment is very strange.
I have some of the happiest moments of my life.
Then some really awful times that just bring me back down to earth with a bang!
But all in all... life’s pretty good.
I’ve grown up so much in the past year or so and come to realise I am who I am and I aint going to change for anyone!
So haha up yours bitches!
I can probably count on one hand the people I truly trust!
You should know who you are... if you don’t. It sure as hell aint you!
I’m pretty much a regular 18 year old dude, I like clubbing and drinking way too much! Messing around with my mates, taking stupid photos... You know all that jazz! So basically I aint an individual. I don’t believe anyone is. But I am me! Paul Spencer. Take me or leave me!
Add me or don’t Add me. Its your choice. And your loss!!MSN:
[email protected]