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Apparently I been slacking on my headline updates!

About Me

Myspace Layouts, Graphics and Glitter. Icons, Graphics, Layouts and more.
Create your own Friend Quiz hereI'm 34, and like to describe myself as "cuddly". I am active in Eastern Star, and am advisor for both of our Youth Groups: Medford Chapter Order of DeMolay, and Ashland Bethel International Order of Job's Daughter's. I work at Meier and Frank--soon to be Macy's--and most of my 7 1/2 years there has been in Women's World (a.k.a. the cuddly people's department). Likes--chatting with my friends. reading. Masonic stuff. Dislikes--Being so broke that I can't afford my bills, let alone do anything fun. Two-faced people. If you hate me behind my back, PLEASE tell me to my face. If you REALLY are my friend, DON'T talk smack about me when I'm not around.

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Name: Marissa Lynn Unger
Birthdate: 11/30/1971
Birthplace: Misawa AFB, Japan
Current Location: Medford, OR
Eye Color: grey
Hair Color: Dark brown mostly
Height: 5'10"
Weight: lets just say "cuddly"
Piercings: not since Jr. High
Tatoos: only the rub on, rinse off kind
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: either would be nice
Overused Phraze: Jesus Horatio Christ!
Food: You think I got this way being picky?
Candy: Gummy Frogs, Cinnamon Bears, Caramel Reese's
Number: 11
Color: Red, Burgundy
Animal: Frogs, duh!
Drink: Mountain Dew
Alcohol Drink: Cap'n Coke, Guinness
Bagel: onion, toasted, w/ chive or lox cream cheese
Letter: neither bills nor spam. Probably birthday cards with money!
Body Part on Opposite sex: thighs...or eyes...or hands... or....
This or That
Pepsi or Coke: Mtn. Dew
McDonalds or BurgerKing: McDonald's
Strawberry or Watermelon: I like Strawberry, but I'm allergic to both
Hot tea or Ice tea: ice
Chocolate or Vanilla Mocha
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: Mocha
Kiss or Hug: I have to choose?
Dog or Cat: I prefer dogs, but have a psycho-kitty
Rap or Punk: ummmm, neither?
Summer or Winter: Summer
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: Scary movies (with my pillow and blankie)
Love or Money: I have neither....either would be nice
Bedtime: since I work at 5 AM, about 8:30 or 9
Most Missed Memory: being loved
Best phyiscal feature: eyes, hair, cleavage
First Thought Waking Up: Don't make me get up yet.....
Goal for this year: Make management
Best Friends: up here? Mel or Sally. At all? Pam and Genevieve
Weakness: four foot long eyelashes, and a poochy bottom lip you can feast on for weeks
Fears: dark, thunder, love,
Heritage: Irish, Scottish, German and Welsh
Longest relationship: Manny--off and on for 8 years. Mel--3 years, 1 month continuous
Ever Smoked: yeah
Pot: nope
Ever been Drunk: uh huh
Ever been beaten up: not since jr high
Ever beaten someone up: no
Ever Shoplifted: not since jr high
Ever Skinny Dipped: once, I think
Ever Kissed Opposite sex: yeah
Been Dumped Lately: nope
Favorite Eye Color: blue or green
Favorite Hair Color: dark brown
Short or Long: long enough to play with
Height: prefer taller, but...
Style: themself
Looks or Personality: both
Hot or Cute cute
Drugs and Alcohol: no drugs, they control drinking, not drinking control them
Muscular or Really Skinny: cuddly---need some meat on them bones
Number of Regrets in the Past: are we talking major or minor?
What country do you want to Visit: Scotland
How do you want to Die: I don't care, but I have my funeral planned out
Been to the Mall Lately: not since leaving work yesterday
Do you like Thunderstorms: no
Get along with your Parents: now that I'm 400 miles away
Health Freak: yeah health food freaks me out!
Do you think your Attractive: I'm kinda cute, fairly pretty, but I have a few spare pounds
Believe in Yourself: yeah, who else will?
Want to go to College: been there, done that
Do you Smoke: nope
Do you Drink: yes I do
Shower Daily: usually
Been in Love: yeah, and I don't reccommend it
Do you Sing: not that anyone wants to hear me
Want to get Married: if I find someone I can put up with for the rest of my life
Do you want Children: nope
Have your future kids names planned out: I hope to get a dog, but I don't have her named yet
Age you wanna lose your Virginity: 2 months short of my 17 birthday, the day I registered for classes my senior year
Hate anyone: most people I dislike aren't worth my energy to hate
Which would you rather.............?
Die in your sleep or aware? aware
Lose an Arm or a Leg? arm
Be Unattractrive and super smart OR be a bombshell and be dumb as a rock? I AM unattractive but super smart!
have a hangnail or a blister? blister
have A Benz or a BMW? a Pony!
Go without Sex for a Month or Alcohol? I've gone without both for longer
Never have sex again or never see again? never have sex again
Run or Swim? swim
Be Single or Married to the same person, the rest of your life? single
Watch the Carebears or Barney? carebears
Get in a car with a creepy looking stranger or kill your dog? neither
Eat Cat or Rat? cat
Have a dead relative back or save one that is already alive? save one
Would you rather listen to Yanni, or David Hasselhof? Yanni, of course
Go without cigarettes for a month or Shaving, (everywhere?) I've gone YEARS without smoking, I can last another month
Sleep in a coffin with the top shut,(u could breathe) or sleep on a bed with spiders? a spider-free coffin, of course
get bit by a spider or a snake? I'm allergic to spider bites...I'd rather try the snake
Drink Blood or Urine? mine or someone else's?
Starve for 2 weeks, or eat 2 week old food? the food poisoning would have the same effect as not eating in the first place
Drink Drano or Bleach? bleach isn't good for you, but it won't kill you
GUYS..Have Sex with Rosie O'donnel or Roseanne, lol Can I choose Rosie?
GIRLS..Have Sex with Richard Simmons or Mick Jagger? Mick Jagger--the only man who can french kiss a moose, AND WIN!
A broken heart or a Broken toe? Never broken a bone, but they tell me my knees and ankles would have healed if I actually broke them, rather than just sprain them that bad
Which one of your friends would you eat, to survive if you were stranded out in the snow? (1) I wouldn't be OUT in the snow, (2) I'd probably be the main course if I was
First grade teacher's name: Miss Sumida
Last word you said: Good night
last song you sang: ummmmmm, a Beatles song, I dunno the name, but I sung along w/ the cd
last person you hugged: Mel
last thing you laughed at: Steve
last time you said i don't remember: I don't remember.... I mean, just now!
last time you cried: watching an episode of Charmed Sat night
last time you smiled: reading something on here tonight
what time did you wake up today: ummmm, 6:00 and then 8:30, and then 10-ish
current taste: I just ate some of Nan's homemade Ham and bean soup. YUMMY!
current hair: WAY too short!!!
current smell: can't smell anything, I'm stuffed up
current annoyance: the people unloading the truck
current longing: back to tennies and jeans
current desktop background: plain old boring blue sky and grass
current worry: $$$$$$
current hate: Joe?
current favorite article of clothing: my flannel froggie jammies
favorite feature of the preferred sex: eyes, hands, thighs, hair
last cd you listened to: Beatles Anthology 3 got over, and I popped in Beatles 4
favorite place to be: anywhere there is sunshine, a good book and a pina colada
least favorite place to be: ANYWHERE in dress shoes!
if you could play an instrument, what would you play: I play the stereo real nice!
favorite color: red or burgundy
do you believe in an afterlife: yes
how tall are you: 5'10"
current favorite word/saying: Good evening, Macy's. How may I provide you with outstanding service today?
favorite season: summer
one person from your past that you wish you can go back and talk to: Gramma
favorite memory growing up: there are so many...Raggles, Gramma, my friends and family I've lost contact with....
where do you want to go to college: I started out at SOSC, and finished at CSUH
what is your career going to be like: Hard work, no money
how old do you want to be when you get married: I dunno. I was engaged at 17, and again at 19, and still no marriage
*~Have you ever~*
said "i love you" and meant it: yes
gotten in a fight with your dog/cat/fish/bird, etc.: yes
been around the world: 1/2 way--started out in Japan, and ended up in CA
been to Jamacia: nope
been to New York: nope
dreamed something really crazy and then it happened the next day: yes
missed anyone: yes

My Interests

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adopt your own virtual pet!
adopt your own virtual pet!I LOVE reading, theater, and cooking. My favorite sports are 49er football and Sharks hockey (Are there any other teams?)And, I love surveys, if you can't tell from all the crap on MySpace!
What famous Quarterback are you?

Joe Montana
You are Cool Joe Montana. Montana was clearly the best in one specific category, winning.
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What famous Quarterback are you?

Steve Young
He not only used his arm to assure his hall of fame future but also used his legs.
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You Are a Husky Puppy
Sweet, affectionate, and docile.
But when you see a cat or chicken, it's kill kill kill!!! What Breed of Puppy Are You?
You Are a Roller Coaster
You live for excitement, adventure, and the most intense of thrills.
Nothing is better than feeling you're truly alive, and you're willing to take risks to feel this way.
In relationships, people often feel a bit nervous about what they're getting into...
But generally, everyone enjoys the wild ride you take them on. Unless they stay with you too long - then they're apt to feel a bit nauseous!

Your life has more low points and high points than most people's lives.
But that's okay - you love them. You figure that a smooth ride is boring!
Besides, you know that super high highs only come from knowing super low lows.
You cherish every emotion you feel and feel it fully. Why deny what life is truly about?

At your best, you are loving life and sharing your wild times with everyone you know.
You are able to open your friends up to a whole new world of experiences.
At your worst, you feel extremely disoriented and even a bit dizzy.
There's only so much intensity a human (even you!) can take. What Carnival Ride Are You?

I'd like to meet:

Any of the Muppets (and their creators). I cried the day we lost Jim Henson. Check this out! Does this scream me, or what?!?!?!?!Law & Order Muppet Style
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You Are Miss Piggy
A total princess and diva, you're totally in charge - even if people don't know it.
You want to be loved, adored, and worshiped. And you won't settle for anything less.
You're going to be a total star, and you won't let any of the "little people" get in your way.
Just remember, piggy, never eat more than you can lift! The Muppet Personality Test
You Are Cookie Monster
Misunderstood as a primal monster, you're a true hedonist with a huge sweet tooth.

You are usually feeling: Hungry. Cookies are preferred, but you'll eat anything if cookies aren't around.

You are famous for: Your slightly crazy eyes and usual way of speaking

How you life your life: In the moment. "Me want COOKIE!" The Sesame Street Personality Quiz

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Your 80s Heartthrob Is
Michael J. Fox Who's Your 80's Heartthrob? Who are you married to within Depeche ModeQuizilla | Join| Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code


My favs are 80's modern rock (DM, U2, Erasure) and country. And show tunes! My favorite "current" singer is John Mayer.

You Scored 90% Correct
You are an 80s expert
You never confuse New Order with the Pet Shop Boys
You know which classical musician Falco rocked
When it comes to 80s music, you Just Can't Get Enough! How Much Do You Know About 80s Music?
Your Taste in Music:
80's Alternative: Highest Influence
80's Pop: Highest Influence
80's Rock: Highest Influence
90's Pop: Highest Influence
80's R&B: High Influence How's Your Taste in Music?Depeche Mode - A Question Of Lust
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You lucky b*tch! Youre married to Alan Wilder! Youre a cool rock star wife. Youre creative, artistic, believe youre not dressed unless youre wearing make up and f*ck me heels to the supermarket. You can also put together great sandwiches while Alan watches football on the telly.
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Blue Savannah
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Your Geek Profile:
Music Geekiness: Highest
Academic Geekiness: High
Fashion Geekiness: High
Geekiness in Love: High
Movie Geekiness: Moderate
Internet Geekiness: Low
SciFi Geekiness: Low
Gamer Geekiness: None
General Geekiness: None How Geeky Are You?


Do I have to choose? Well, I own ALL the Disney movies on VHS (not counting the last 2 Pooh movies, and a couple of the straight-to-video sequels) I also LOVE Sandra Bullock, Marisa Tomei, Tom Cruise and John Cusak. And VAMPIRES!!!
Which Disney Princess are you most like (with 2 new princesses)

You are an exotic beauty who enchants everyone you meet. You love going on wonderous adventures and have a special place in your mind for all wild animals.
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Your Life is Like
Grosse Pointe Blank What John Cusack Movie Are You? .. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- START YOUTHINK.COM QUIZ RESULTS --
Which Rocky Horror Picture Show character are you?
A Domestic

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Which "coyote" are you, from Coyote Ugly?

Congratulations! You are Violet! You care about everyone around you, and want to make something happen for yourself. You're a ro-model to everyone and one of the sweetest girls around, who writes her emotions downs. There aren't many people in the world like you, so you should never change!
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Which Breakfast club character are you?

you think you're perfect.even tho you try to be nice to every one its just because you want people to like you... try talking to the wierd kid thats in their own little world... you will find out that they can be pretty cool.
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Law & Order, Law & Order: SVU, Law & Order: CI, CSI, CSI Miami, CSI NY, ER and my favorite "old" show is Little House on the Prairie What Law & Order Character Are You?
Claire Kincaid
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Witch Law and Order SVU detective are you?

Olivia Benson
Your Olivia! Your kind, caring, and loving. Your love life however isn't as good as your personaltity. But don't worry about it, your personality will eventually land you someone. Your past history isn't that good and you don't really like talking about it. You try to keep a cool head, but when someone needs your protection, your ready to kick ass and take names.
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Your Christmas is Most Like: A Charlie Brown Christmas
Each year, you really get into the spirit of Christmas.
Which is much more important to you than nifty presents. What Movie Is Your Christmas Most Like?

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What CHARMED character are you?

Leo loves everything, except bad/evil things. As Leo you care a lot, and you love helping people.
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not really into non-fiction... Romance, and horror, and historical fiction, mostly ?? Which Of The Greek Gods Are You ??
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Quizilla | Join| Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code What colour Angel are you?
Red~You are the red angel. Symbolic of fire, blood or most commonly love, (you could say you are the angel of fire or love. You are a very excitable and strong person inside and out. You contain a great deal of energy and emotion and above all intensity, you put your heart and soul into everything that you do, always.
Your wings are very small and protrude from your upper back, white with blackened tips. The clothes you wear are always classy and femine, you don't wear clothes that make you stand out of the crowd but just intensify your beauty. Your personality is enough to make you stand out.
You are romantic, passionate and dramatic. No one could ever say you were boring. Inside you hold immense courage, you never let life bring you down and see life as an honour, a treasure. Your colour stands for loyalty, love, passion, energy and immense beauty. You are a very lustful and loving angel but your tremendous and overwhelming emotion and amount of energy and soul makes you a definete person you would not want to get on the wrong side of. It usually takes a lot to make you angry but when you are, you can get very aggressive, but your aggression is special in a way you would never stoop down to the other persons level but use your wit and personality to outsmart and hurt them. You always win and will always stand up for what you believe in and those you love. Your beautiful and innocent face hides what you are really like inside, you may look like you need protecting but you don't. You fight your own battles and are actually a very strong soul underneath.
You are a good and loyal person and friend. You know it is important to live life to the full and enjoy childhood and life itself with everyday it brings but you also know that it is important to be responsible and do the things that you may not prefer to but know you have to. You are a very mature and responsible person.
Your angelic soul can be found in the disney movie of Aladdin which contains and represents a great deal of love, longing, obsession, emotion and passion. You are a very passionate and loving person and when you love some one you do so with all your heart and all your soul. You are always looking for that one person that will love you for you.You are never afraid to show what you feel or what you believe in which is great. I think you are more stronger inside yourself than you know.
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Well, Wonder Woman, of course, but real life heroes----Cops, firefighters, teachers, social workers....The people who make a difference! Your results:
You are Wonder Woman Wonder Woman 78% Spider-Man 75% Superman 65% The Flash 60% Supergirl 58% Robin 58% Hulk 55% Iron Man 55% Catwoman 50% Green Lantern 45% Batman 25% You are a beautiful princess
with great strength of character.
Click here to take the "Which Superhero are you?" quiz...

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Do you know the Muffin Man

You know the Muffin Man!
Here... have a muffin
How do you compare?
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My Blog

I’m not God!

I found out last Thursday evening that one of my best friends from high school passed away.  Or more accurately, was murdered.  When I first read the article, and saw the most recent picture...
Posted by Froggie on Tue, 12 Feb 2008 06:50:00 PST

Should I lie to the Government?

Okay, so one of the headlines on tonight's news was "How to get your kicker check back from the state, if you didn't mean to donate it."  Apparently, since this year they are sending out alm...
Posted by Froggie on Fri, 21 Dec 2007 12:57:00 PST

Is it Charity or is it Idiocracy?

Okay, so Oregon does this really crazy thing that if they HAVEN'T wasted the entire budget, they send the rest of it back to the people, just in time for Christmas.  That is, if they remembered t...
Posted by Froggie on Sat, 15 Dec 2007 03:17:00 PST

God I’m pathetic...............

Okay, so my 36th birthday is 4 days away, and I'm single.  That's not so bad.  I've been in love....I've been engaged twice....I have friends..... I live with my ex-girlfriend, and some days...
Posted by Froggie on Tue, 27 Nov 2007 08:15:00 PST

The Meaning of Life

On all those surveys, they ask "what is your philosophy on life?" I usually answer with either "Sanity is HIGHLY overrated" or "I have this AWESOME t-shirt that explains life perfectly.  I&n...
Posted by Froggie on Fri, 23 Nov 2007 05:01:00 PST

Tag-Team Blogging

Here's how you play:Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird, random things, facts, habits, or goals about yourself. At the end choose 10 people to be tagged, listing their na...
Posted by Froggie on Sun, 14 Oct 2007 11:37:00 PST

Super Klutz Insurance

Yeah, so I just posted this as a bulletin, but since those disappear in 10 days, and I thought I should keep this, I put it here too! Okay, so at work, they had someone in this week to talk to all the...
Posted by Froggie on Fri, 17 Aug 2007 06:50:00 PST

Undocumented Immigrants

GOD!!!!!  IT DRIVES ME UP A FRICKIN' WALL!!!!! Everybody is so AGAINST the undocumented immigrants, but....they work for minimum wage in jobs that noone else will work at, in housekeeping, janito...
Posted by Froggie on Fri, 10 Aug 2007 07:42:00 PST

Aunt Terrys Menagerie

Ya know....I really should take the time to read through my blogs before posting them, just to make sure I REALLY said everything I intended to, so I don't have to keep doing a second blog for all the...
Posted by Froggie on Fri, 03 Aug 2007 05:06:00 PST

Back from VaKay

Okay, so we went on vacation.  This is the first time we've gone away together for more than one night in over 4 years.  This is also the first time we've gone anywhere except an Eastern Sta...
Posted by Froggie on Thu, 02 Aug 2007 08:21:00 PST