A tragedy is most often an eye opener.
Its always easier to run from your problems but they never go away they just grow till they are faced
I may not be the prettiest,
I may not be the smartest,
I may not be the best,
Or the worst,
But I am me, and that's all that matters.
Never regret any thing.
because at one point it,
was everything you wanted.
Enjoy the best,
Expect the worst.
Life's not a movie;;
It's unrehearsed.
CoLoR purple
SpOrT soccer
FoOd tamales
DaY oF tHe WeEk i think friday
SeAsOn fall
MoNtH july
PlAcE chihuahua
BoYs NaMe anthony manuel
GiRlS nAmE maliah nicole
DeSsErT i dont really have one
CoOkIe oreo
IcE cReAm chocolate chip
BaSeBaLl TeAm i dont like baseball
ThIs Or ThAt
CoKe/PePsI coke
PhOnE/Im both
ShOwEr/BaTh shower
HoT dOg/HaMbUrGeR hotdog
BaSeBaLl/FoOtBaLl neither
SoFtBaLl/VoLlEyBaLl volleyball
SuMmEr/WiNtEr summer
SpRiNg/FaLl fall
[Write in cursive or print?] both
[Own a web cam?] yea
[Know how to drive?] yea
[Own a cell phone?] umm yea ...
[Ever get off the damn computer?] yea
[Been in a fist fight?] no
[Considered a life of crime?] no
[Considered being a hooker?] no
[Lied to someone?] parents
[Been in love?] yea
[Made out with JUST a friend?] no
[Been in lust?] no
[Used someone] no
[Been used?] yea
[Been cheated on?] yea
[Kicked someone in the nuts?] no
[Stolen anything?] no
[Held a gun] a water gun
[Current clothing] a gray hoodie and shorts
[Current mood] an ok mood
[Current taste] mm ..bacon potato caserole
[What you currently smell like] my perfume
[Current hair] pony tail
[Current thing I ought to be doing] nuthin
[Current cd in stereo] pitbull
[Last book you read] the monster
[Last movie you saw] john tucker must die
[Last thing you ate] bacon potato caserole
[Last person you talked to on the phone] michael
[Do drugs?] no
[Believe there is life on other planets?] no
Remember your first love?] yea
&..39;[Still love him/her?] ' nope
[Read the newspaper?] no but i need one
[Have any gay or lesbian friends?] yea
[Believe in miracles?] yea
[Do well in school?] yea
[Wear hats] just playin around
[Hate yourself?] no
[Have an obsession?] ??
[Collect anything?] no
[Have a best friend?] yea
[Close friends?] yea
[Like your handwriting?] yea
[Care about looks] sometimes
[First crush] cant remember
[First kiss] in chihuahua ...it doesnt matter with who
[Do you believe in love at first sight?] yea
[Do you believe in "the one?"] yea
[Are you a tease?] no
[Daydreamer] yea
[Bitch/Asshole] sometimes
[sarcastic] idk
[Angel] yea of course
[Devil] no
[Shy] only when i dont know u
[Talkative] yea
♥ this is my favorite movie ♥ ♥ this is another one of my favorite movies...but i still like the notebook better ♥
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Editor at MySpace ToolBox my favorite dog. their so prettiful