I am Katie[:
My life is changing, fast.
It scares me, a lot.
I just noticed how unstable everything is, I just figured out how flawed I really am. I am not some depressed little person, but I am not always the happiest. I made a lot of mistakes, and I am going to keep doing it. I can't be perfect, chances are I am not what you want. But I am me, and I am content with myself. I know I do the best with what I got, I try to make things good. I have hurt a lot of people in my life, and pushed anyone and everyone away, I am making up for that now. It is going to take a lot of time to get my life back on track, but I am determined to make it work. I will fix what I messed up.
I tend to spell things incorrectly.
I act like I am five on a daily basis.
Figure me out for yourself.
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