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Topp 5 Movies of my Year
#1 Apocolypto
#2 300
#3memoirs of a geisha
#4 honey
#5 you got served
CaRtOoNs My FaVoRiiTe Is -**-CoUrAgE tHe CoWaRdLy DoG-**- YaYaYa CoUrAgE tHe CuTeSt DoGgy In ThE uNiVeRsE i MeAn OmG hEs FuCkIn PiNk!!!
CuRrEnTlY rEaDiNg StOrM tHeIf ItS tHe bEsT oNe I cAn ThInK oF sO fAR lOl . By ChRiS wOoDiNg {aLl HiS bOoKs SeEm To Be PrEtTy FuCkiN cOoL :p }