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John Kelley

..How Y'all Are?..

About Me

I am a proud and adamant Atheist. I find religion to be the greatest evil on the face of this planet. I spend a great deal of my time listening to If you have an open mind, or want to...give it a listen.
Additionally, I have come to believe that while there are many in this vast world of ours we are one. If one innocent man is imprisoned, then none of us are free. If one woman hungers, then none of us are satiated. If one child cries, the whole world's laughter is meaningless.
I am presently recovering from a trip to China with the Dallas Children's Theatre.

I can only hope that another touring position will come open as I never again want to pay rent on an apartment or shackle myself to a car payment and insurance bills. I have no desire for material things in this world, and am focused on living without the cages that they build.

Oh, and...
My score on The Three Variable Political Test :
Civil Rights Liberal
(68% Liberal, 28% Capitalist, 93% Radical)
You scored in the upper half of the Liberal Category. You prefer individualism over community rights although I'm not sure how much due to scoring category restraints. At the very minimum, you could be mainstream American and at the very maximum you could lean libertarian-esque or even towards Anarchism.You scored in the bottom half of the Capitalist category which probably means you're socialist leaning. You lean towards the planning style economy but wouldn't call yourself a Communist. Socialist, perhaps.You scored in the upper ten percent of the radical category which very much means you're all for social equality at any means possible and necessary. The state should be active in leveling the playing field for women, minorities, immigrants and the like.I call you a Civil Rights Liberal because you're huge on social equality. You're also socialistic leaning and fairly liberal on equality under the law but nothing matches your fervor for civil rights.
Link: The Three Variable Political Test ( OkCupid Free .. Dating ) Here's a David Ford Video. There's a long intro, but it's worth the wait.

My Interests


Places that I have travelled. Additionally, I have seen all 50 U.S. states.

I'd like to meet:

My own expectations


Bob Dylan, Elvis Costello, Wilco, Damien Rice, Ben Folds, Ben Harper, John Gorka, David Lamotte, David Wilcox, Neil Young, David Bowie, Dave Matthews, The Animals, Modest Mouse, Roger Waters when I'm not listening to show tunes. Hey, I'm an actor. And Stephen Sondheim rules.

Kurt Cobain.... You are a very depressed person but yet you can
create good things through your talent.
However you don't realize how talented you are.
Good possibility you do drugs such as weed.

Which rockstar are you like?
brought to you by Quizilla

Corporate radio is evil. The only purpose that it serves is to hypnotize the masses with meaningless droll. We need a rebirth of music with a purpose. Where are the next Bob Dylans the next Phil Ochs. If you don't know who Pete Seeger is then I pity you. Hip-hop is the opiate of the enslaved.


The Best Picture of Last Year was Babel despite what the Academy may have said. The Last Two Years the Academy has voted against the Best Picture of the Year in favor of a more political agenda within its own ranks. Trust the Foreign Critics and watch the Globes.




I will always love Kerouac, Ferlinghetti, Ginsberg, Hunter S. Thompson and J.D. Salinger. Kurt Vonnegut, Mark Twain, and Shakespeare are always on my reading list. And, of course, Bob Dylan's Chronicles Volume 1.


Keith Olbermann

My good friend, Criddy

My Blog

Happy Belated Octoberteenth

This past Friday marked the conception of a new holiday.  I would like to introduce you all to Octoberteenth.  This holiday, to be celebrated every October 19th, celebrates my emancipation f...
Posted by John Kelley on Mon, 22 Oct 2007 09:12:00 PST

It just hit me tonight

It finally sank in tonight.  Tomorrow morning I wll be on a plane to the other side of the hole I was digging in my back yard when I was 7.  I am going to China.  I guess I have doubted...
Posted by John Kelley on Sun, 24 Sep 2006 12:54:00 PST

I am through with Fear

I have had it with Fear.The people of America are being manipulated by those who wish to remain in power.  The following are assumptions that I make, but I hope that I am not alone.There was no p...
Posted by John Kelley on Sat, 26 Aug 2006 05:11:00 PST

And as I travelled, I came to a crossroads....

and at this crossroads was poorman's wealth.That that we dream about, but never touchAnd why we drink to someone's healthThere was nothing at all hidden behind so muchAnd I look...
Posted by John Kelley on Mon, 10 Jul 2006 02:49:00 PST

Travelled to the Beginning of the Road

I have to tell you all about a recent day trip that I was able to take out here on the road.  I and the other members of the Dallas Children's Theatre National Touring Company were granted three ...
Posted by John Kelley on Thu, 30 Mar 2006 09:56:00 PST

The Sixth Grade Spelling Bee

A Jack Black sketch on Saturday Night Live has reminded me of an event from my childhood that I have been repressing until this day.  In hopes of "getting over" this and moving on with my li...
Posted by John Kelley on Tue, 20 Dec 2005 04:53:00 PST

No Miles, Parker or Coltrane on Myspace

I was just sitting at my computer listening to Miles Davis' Kind of Blue.  It is a phenomenal CD, by the way, if you've been under a rock.  Anyway, as the last track, Flamenco Sketches draws...
Posted by John Kelley on Sun, 25 Sep 2005 08:08:00 PST

Found work in San Marcos

Greetings one and all, I just wanted to drop a line to let you know which side of the earth I fell off of.  As many of you know, I spent 18 days out at the Kerrville Folk Festival.  What an ...
Posted by John Kelley on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Three days Three wonderful shows.

Well, I have recently finished three fantastic days in New york City. Not nearly enough. I was very fortunate to see three wonderful shows in that time. Firstly, I saw The Producers starring Richar...
Posted by John Kelley on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

On the Road

The time has come to hit the road: to head out on a journey for growth and a quest for enlightenment. I will smile, laugh and sigh when I think of all of you. I will see you at Caves Lounge upon my...
Posted by John Kelley on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST