Genuine people. who ever you are...My inspirations in life are as follows;Prophet Muhammed Peace and blessings be upon him! He was the perfect human! the perfect statesman. he was sent as a mercy to mankind and to perfect the manners.My late father, for giving me the guidence in this life.My Mother for leaving open the gates to Jannah(paradise)Inshallah! (God willing)and for being my rock!Prophet Jesus may Allah be pleased with him. this man gets the wrong sort of attention in this world and Inshallah he will come and sort that out. hes a man that showed nothing but love.Malik al Shabaz!(Malcom X)May Allah be pleased with him. he saw, fought and left a legacy!Dr Martain Luther King! He had a vision and that vision came true. He believed! Nelson Mandella: one of a few poloticians to never change his principles for every person he met! He stood up for what he believed in and made that difference in the world!Ahmed Dedaat,Sh.Khalid Yaseen, Dr Bilal Philips, Yusaf Estes, D.r Abdul Rahim Green, D.r Zakir Naik,Sh. Yasir Qadhi. They taught me the deen of Al Islam and May Allah bless them.My Lecturer at uni Mr Jas Ahmad! This man gave me the opportunity to do a masters and although at times he lost faith. Deep down he believed in me and with his words inspired me to change my persona!My dear friends and Collegues Brother Zaheer Executive producer of Radio Reality and Brother Tanvir Technical Director, for giving me the chance and opening my eyes to a whole different world compared to my old corporate hard nosed, bull headed, arrogant life I led. respect boys! Iv made good friends for life! in that radio station.You have paved the way for people like myself to change the world around us! May Allah give you happiness in this life and the hearafter. Ma Boyz-Brovaz4life! Nadir-a.k.a Ranks, Gohar-a.k.a Minority, Raj "Reggie" Sungha, Sulayiman, Abdul-Rehman a.k.a Braiydz, Miz the Man-a.k.a Roadrunner.Everything happens with the will of Allah, we trust in him, we know he is one! eternal and ever living! In him we have patience!Ameen!