Two Dj's decided that its time to shake things up a bit in Doncaster
Where the music comes first!
Sick Events!
Underground DJs, Pushing alt. electronic music, making you dance like never before!
We've already nearly sank our current venue 'The Wyre Lady' (one hell of a dirty barge with a cosy bar downstairs) and turned it into the most surreal dirty rave
this town has ever seen (Until recently raided)br
We took her up to leeds to give them a taste too!
We turned The Priory nightclub upside-down!
We've turned basements into Obscene clubnights!
And Absolutely rammed the upstairs of Toast and the terrace!!
Now we're doing it again, But louder, Longer, With one hell of a line-up
Get involved, Colourful raves, No Dickheads, No cheese!
26th September is our next party at Toast, Free entry till 4am !!! !
We've hosted some seriously raw DJ tallent
Here is a few of them;
Streetlife Dj's - CTMS (Technique/tWaDdLe) - Aurthur Barr (Future-Music/Asif) - Boy 8-Bit (Fabric) - Alex Wright - Donna Beatz (1999*/Turnitdownto30) - The Cannonballs (Moda) - Mr. Bitch - Katie Luv (DawnChorus/F**k the electo/Confession/Fibre) - Zade Cross (Deep2Disco/Kompiss) - Sam Beals - Dj Strangenotes (Soundwarz) - Kushtie (Priory) - ListenDj (Soundwarz) - Foz (Dirty Disco)
And we've got pleanty more to come.....
FOOTAGE FROM S H A P E S @ PRIORY (Doncaster June 15th 2007)
FOOTAGE FROM S H A P E S @ PRIORY ROUND 2 (Doncaster December 7th 2007)
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