POKER players LA/OC amateurs profile picture

POKER players LA/OC amateurs

Poker players UNITE

About Me

I played poker for the first time this year and really like it. I thought i didnt know how to play but i knew it all along. Just a little change and adjustment and there. Im still relatively new to the game, but excited enough to buy my new stack of nice poker chips this name is Steve..just in case you're curious who I am here's my link

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

poker buddies.People who dont know how to play yet but want to try it out. Im still learning the game, maybe you're a better bluffer than moi. This game is actually a good way to break the ice so to speak and meet some people. No crazy and drunk people cant have them trash my place.
Im looking for people who resides in Los Angeles / Orange County area. I'll arrange poker night when the time is appropriate. You can bring some finger foods or drinks if you want to. I will provide some and i have enough poker chips for approxiatemately 11 players. When we exceed this number, someone usually bring more chips.
Im not looking professional gamblers here. Just the avg person who play for fun and not playing just for the money. Go to the casino if thats you. Please be 21 and over. Because you need to be legal to drink and gamble :)
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