SAM profile picture


About Me

About me? What about you? I'm supposed to be the one who is asking the questions here! So you think you can come visit my page, and somehow think that this entitles you to know all about me. Well, that's just garbage! Dealing with you is like dealing with Garbage! Oh, and you can keep the collectors plates.

I Try (Macy Gray Cover)

I Try (Macy Gray Cover) - Built to Spill

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Bill Cosby and Mike Patton in a non-dream form. Also, it wouldn't be too bad meeting the guy who came up with Craisins. Holy Geez those things are delicious! Um, I also think it would be sweet to cross paths with Paris Hilton again. Causing that whole stampede of people toward her in Las Vegas at the Chanel may have left a bad taste in her mouth (not that perv!) but I'm a pretty good guy.Also, this kid, what a trip!

My Blog

Wipe This!

Yes, yes, it has been quite some time, I'd like to see YOU keep up with my schedule, what with the Barnacle cleanings and all. Anyways, some of these comments are pretty new, some are stuff I thought...
Posted by on Sat, 09 Aug 2008 00:15:00 GMT

Witty Banter on all the goings on youve been craving

Hot Button Issues You Can't Miss So, yes, it has been quite some time.  Frankly, it's been a long time for both of us.  We both have changed a lot, well at least it seems that way to me.&nbs...
Posted by on Thu, 31 Jan 2008 09:35:00 GMT

Celebrity Gossip Q&A

In a break from my usual 'Wipe Myself' blog, I am doing a new piece on the ol' blog. I figured I would give back to society by answering some timely (and important) questions that readers of the ...
Posted by on Wed, 20 Jun 2007 10:00:00 GMT

Wipe Myself Summer Movie Inspired Edition

Yes, yes, I know it has been quite some time. But after seeing a few movie previews for this summer I could no longer hold back the brutal wave of wiping that must be set forth, so without further pau...
Posted by on Sat, 21 Apr 2007 01:45:00 GMT

And On a Positive Note...

So, for a change of pace, I would like to mention a few things that are totally awesome, First and foremost, Goats eating stuff, especially paper. I mean seriously, is there anything quite as enjoyab...
Posted by on Fri, 01 Dec 2006 01:38:00 GMT

Wipe Myself: I've been too busy for wiping...until NOW!!!

So, it has been awhile since I last posted a 'wipe myself' list, but I have recently seen a slew of things that deserved a heavy (I'm talking near 20-ply cardboardish) wiping. First on the list:Those...
Posted by on Thu, 12 Oct 2006 00:34:00 GMT

Wipe Myself: Democratic Primaries Edition

In a mildly serious 'Wipe Myself' today, I can't help but discuss what idiot voters in Connecticut have done and how very stupid, near-sighted, and ridiculous they are, so the people I would especiall...
Posted by on Wed, 09 Aug 2006 09:30:00 GMT

Wipe Myself: Special World Cup Edition

Uggghh, I think at the moment at least (my unbridled rage is quite flighty and the number one hater person on my list usually changes hourly) there is no one I would rather have the chance to, or at l...
Posted by on Wed, 05 Jul 2006 13:14:00 GMT

Wipe Myself Part 2

First off, I nearly put 'Wipe Myself Part Dos' but then I thought about it, and I would have to put myself on the list of those who deserve to be wiped with, so I decided against it.  But an...
Posted by on Thu, 15 Jun 2006 10:45:00 GMT

Wipe Myself Part 1

For my first blog I've decided to write down the things I would like to (or already have) wipe myself with (literally unless this might cause any transmitted diseases, then figuratively).  In no ...
Posted by on Wed, 07 Jun 2006 13:53:00 GMT