Euna! Beer! Working.... (cause I have too) Ninja Missions without getting arrested! Relaxing!
The Eunster!! SANTA~ So, I can kick the shit out of him for all the pain and suffering he has caused me! :( The keg waiting for me at my Mom's house. And of course sliver, that is in the ring so I can defeat him with all my might!
I like music.................. but why the fuck would I have to tell you this. When the basic assumption is that everyone likes music. At least thats what I think. Like this song I think it's GREAT!
Any movie that at least makes you think outside of the box, and as of late there really haven't been that many of those around. But I can't wait for this one! As in the movie Finishing the Game!This is pretty funny as well!
The Shows I watch on TV: Heroes, Lost, Human Weapon, UFC if I'm at a bar and can watch it for free and of course Naurto. Though, I still don't have cable but that's okay (cause you know TV rots the brian :P).
Good Books to read: That would have to be any rad comic book trades, World War Z, Zombie survival guide, John Carter of Mars (series), The Catcher in the Rye, ALIVE (pass me another piece of co-pilot..), Worst Case books, Darwin Awards, Clockwork Orange and of course the PRINCE! But in general if you know of any other good books do tell.
BATMAN and maybe Jesus if he was on steriods and had a battle axe!