King Saturday profile picture

King Saturday

Well I ain't first class. But I ain't white trash. I'm wild and a little crazy too

About Me

Rollll Tide Roll!
Hey! Hey! This is the real Jay Moran's website, this is not a fake. Don't be fooled by the imposters. I am a die hard Alabama fan and an alpha male. I have at last reached a SOLID point in my life. I'm doing exactly what I need to be doing. I'm on the correct path in life and I feel that every day. So for all of you that talk shit (and your momma's) just sit back and watch. I'm going to be successful and nothing is going to stop me.

Enjoy the massive collection of myspace layouts I found

My Interests

Myspace Graphics

Sports, beer pong, movies, music, dancing, poker, videogames, volleying it up at the Jackson estate, sex, and alcohol. All of that and some partying and that's about it. But, I'd rather sit down in a comfy chair, drink a cold beer or a mixed drink, and watch a football game (preferably an Alabama or Philadelphia Eagles) than do anything else in the world. That doesn't make me a simple minded jock. That just means I like football and beer.

I'd like to meet:

Bill Clinton, Pablo, Bill Walsh, "Bear" Bryant, Bill Murray, Rodney Carrington, Briana Banks, Nikita Denise, God, Dane Cook, yo' momma, THE Greg Wilson, Vince Lombardi, Andrew Dice Clay, Robert Schimmel, Jimi Hendrix and Samuel L. mother f#$%ing Jackson! But, I'd like to go on a fishing trip with Joe Kines or Jim Johnson. Really though I'd just like to meet anybody that could expand my mind and make me look at anything different(or just make me laugh).
Got My Cursor @


Jimi Hendrix, Galactic, Black Keys, Primus, Tool, RHCP, Josh Turner, CCR, Steve Miller Band, Pink Floyd, Pantera, A Perfect Circle, John Legend, Beastie Boys, Joe, Marvin Gaye, Robert Randolph, J.J. Cale, Willie Dixon, Jack Johnson, Ben Harper, Afroman, ZZ Top, Hot Action Cop, Canned Heat, Los Lobos, Queens of the Stone Age, James Brown, Led Zeppelin, Eric Clapton, Bob Dylan, Toadies, James Taylor, Ray Charles, Mos Def, The Roots, White Zombie, Black Label Society, WEEN, Particle, Robin Thicke, AC/DC, Dr. John, , SRV, John Mayer, Gov't Mule, Warren Haynes, Rolling Stones, Sly and The Family Stone, Clutch, Average White Band, Johnny Cash, Sublime, Buddy Guy, Bob Marley, John Lee Hooker, Allman Brothers, anything George Clinton ever did, 90's rap, Kings of Leon, and of course In-Cognidoe and Bishop Black. But, I pretty much like anything from country and the blues to jazz and of course the FUNK! But, I F'ing hate The Used and anything that sounds like em! That includes pretty much everything that you hear on 104.3 and MTV.


These first five are actually my favorites and then the rest are really all 6th. Pulp Fiction, Sin City, Snatch, The Big Lebowski, Forrest Gump, The Departed, Lucky Number Slevin, Layer Cake, Blow, Godfather I,II, and yes even III, Derailed, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, Miller's Crossing, The Terminal, Running Scared, North Dallas 40, The Big Bounce, London, War of the Worlds, Any Given Sunday, The Longest Yard, Waterboy, House of 1000 Corpses, Devil's Rejects, Junction Boys, The Program, Apocolypse Now, Man on Fire, Boondock Saints(thanks George),Stay, Full Metal Jacket, The Deer Hunter, Braveheart, A Time to Kill, Goodfellas, Casino, Caddyshack I and II they need to make a new one, American Beauty, Tommy Boy, Black Sheep, Happy Gilmore, Beerfest, Super Troopers, Wedding Crashers, Talladega Nights, Natural Born Killers, Mulholland Drive, Kingpin, 300, Love Song for Bobby Long, a good nasty porno, Gladiator, History of Violence, True Romance, Donnie Darko, Jackass 1 & 2 (and however many more they want to make), Jackie Brown (all the Quentin's really),Payback, Lost in Translation, Troy(bad ass fight scenes and shit acting in a whole bunch of it)and the Patriot. I pretty much like anything that will make me laugh or think and there are plenty more I could put on the list. I'll add new ones all the time. Feel free to expand my mind and let me know of a good one.


Brotherhood (it's on Showtime and everybody needs to watch it), The Sopranos (R.I.P.), Cubs games, Every football game I have time to watch or that is on TV, Miami Heat games(sadly), Everybody Loves Raymond, Entourage, NFL Network, Sportscenter, My Name is Earl, Benny Hill, Samford and Son, Family Guy, and anything funny.


Natural Cures and the new Weight Loss Cure They Don't Want You to Know About is some crazy stuff! "How Good Do You Want To Be" by Nick Saban is a really good one. I just read Sports Illustrated and the paper besides that really. I also read "The Prophet" by Kahlil Gibran, "The Power of Intention" by Wayne W. Dyer, and The Holy Bible for inspiration and enlightenment on occasion. I've recently started digging some Ernest Hemingway though.


Paul "Bear" Bryant, Adam Loggins ("White Kong" and the coolest man I ever knew)Donavan McNabb, Dan Marino, Lee Roy Jordan, Jim Johnson, Joe Kines, Gene Stallings, Nick Saban, Wayne Chrebet, Kevin Curtis, Wes Welker, Matt Jones, Bill Walsh, Bully VandeGraaf(look it up), Kevin Steele (not for long though), and Bill Clinton is the man. He came from a place called Hope!

My Blog

Why Major Applewhite?

First of all, what a fucking idiot.  How do you take a job as a running backs coach at a Big 12 school when your an offensive coordinator at a SEC school?  I realize it's Texas and that's wh...
Posted by King Saturday on Wed, 16 Jan 2008 06:12:00 PST

Happy Birthday White Kong

      I've wanted to post a blog or put something on my MySpace page for quite some time to show my respects to one of the greatest MEN I ever knew.  Everybody that knew ...
Posted by King Saturday on Tue, 12 Jun 2007 04:08:00 PST

Two cats might eat all the tuna

I started looking these up last night and decided I would share em'.  These are pretty neat and funny too.  I'm gonna start putting new ones up all the time.  Hope you enjoy.   A m...
Posted by King Saturday on Thu, 05 Apr 2007 09:03:00 PST

I was depressed, happy now

ok i know everybody believes in fate a little bit and crazy shit happens to everybody and maybe i'm just weird about it.  but, i went to bed all depressed and just stressing out about all the shi...
Posted by King Saturday on Sun, 26 Nov 2006 04:01:00 PST

What's my name

JAY J is for Juicy A is for Altruistic Y is for Yummy">What Does Your Name Mean?...
Posted by King Saturday on Tue, 31 Oct 2006 10:28:00 PST


     Politicians all lie and they all start wars.  Republicans make all the money and don't give any back.  Democrats act like wussies and don't stand up for anything exc...
Posted by King Saturday on Thu, 24 Aug 2006 12:16:00 PST


god is a comedian.  he makes these beautiful creatures and calls em' women.  then he makes us all hairy and dumb.  then he gives us testosterone and gives ya'll a "happy spot" on top of...
Posted by King Saturday on Fri, 14 Jul 2006 11:07:00 PST