My name is Cherie. Or Cherokee. Or Cheeko. Or Rie. Any which one, doesn't really bother me.
The word that is most used to describe me is 'cute'. Everyone says it. I used to fight against it, but I have now come to accept this description of me. So there you go society, you wore me down. I'm cute. You made me admit it.
Another word used to describe me is 'pollyannaish'. This is defined as "Pleasantly (even unrealistically) optimistic". So there you go, you now know that I am one of those 'The glass is half full' kind of people.
'Tommy' and 'Boys and Ghouls Together' are over now. I knew I'd be sad, but it was crazy how heartbroken I was that my acting in productions for the year was over. However! I am now directing the senior drama class production of 'Wednesday to Come' and am having a grand ol' time bossing cast members merrily and enjoying the power I now possess. I adore performing, I really do. I don't feel myself if I'm not in a production. I love performing so much I'm studying Theatre at Uni next year, along with Classics *Spence gives the thumbs up from his wheelchair* and Deaf Studies, if all goes to plan anyway.
Something that DOES beat performing is Guy. I love him more than I ever thought was possible for a person to love. He is my sweet, perfect baby and it makes me happy beyond belief that I'm his kitten
I happen to be the luckiest wee girl in world when it comes to my friends. I am friends with the funniest, loveliest, most talented, creative and smartest people I could ever wish to meet. Guy, Jess, Levi, Kerry, Casey, Jason and Shannon, thank you for putting up with my madness and for always going along with my schemes. You are all so important to me
And, on a final note; My brother's a Cuban Drug Lord. Bet yours isn't.
I just couldn't resist :p
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