Anything Spontaneous.
Visionaries, Activists, Artists, Inventors, Charismatic Leaders, Peacemakers, Big Dreamers and Risk Takers, Comedians and Aspiring Comedians, Philosophers, Conscious Journalists, Those Who Love to Entertain (because they like to give to others), My Great Great Grandparents, My Great Great Grandchildren, The Love of My Life, People with Opinions and Passions... and most importantly anyone and Everyone I Can Laugh With.
Yep, I like ALL kinds of music, especially anything live.
It's all about the unexpected twists and the ending.
The Local News first ... and then Movie Channels
I have the attention span of a gnat so I usually skim books or look for cliff notes. Steven Covey's first habit of the Seven Habits Highly Effective People should have been to finish what you start (as in, the book). I really like magazines and newspapers better.
Everyone who feels a deep sense of responsibility to contribute positively to society, and tries to give back more than they take.