*~*~Jennifer~*~* profile picture


I wouldn't have me any other way :)

About Me

About me.. I'm 25 and married to a wonderful guy who I will spend the rest of my life with. I have two beautiful daughters ages five and six months and I am expecting my third baby in November. I also have two adorable stepsons ages four and two and a half.I'm generally laid back until people start shit with me then I tend to become a bitch. Ya'll want to see a bitch? I'll show you one. I've put up with my fair share of shit from people and I'm DONE doing it. Generally put: Don't fuck with me because you have no clue who you're dealing with. I was raised to be that way and I'll be damned if I'm going to give it up to please other people. I've learned that it's pointless to fight over stupid shit-JUST GET OVER IT! It takes less energy to just suck it up and say "Fuck it. It's not worth it".I'm the type of person that's either your best friend or your worst enemy. Either you love me or you hate me but don't be two-faced about it or about anything else for that matter.I dig country music, singing (karaoke or not), fishing, camping, shopping, and spending time with my husband and kids. Anything else you wanna know, don't be afraid to ask!
I made this layout with help from pYzam , Look at these other Layouts!

About Me



First Name: Jennifer
Middle Name: Denise
Birthday: December 25, 1981
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brownish-Blonde
Fav color: Pink
Day/Night: Night
Fave Food: Pizza


Do you ever wish you had another name? Nope
Do you like anyone? I generally like everyone, unless they're stupid or piss me off
Which one of your friends acts the most like you? Hard to tell these days
Who's the loudest? Susie
Who have you known the longest of your friends? Casey
Who's the shyest: Trina
Are you close to any family members? Yea, my mom and brothers.. I was close to my dad but he's no longer with us on this earth
When you cried the most: When my dad passed away
What's the best feeling in the world: When Robert wraps his arms around me
Worst Feeling: When he leaves for work


Let's walk on the: beach
Let's run through: a forest
Let's look at the: stars
What a nice: body
Where did all the: smart people go?
Why can't you: shut the f*ck up
Silly, little: skank
Tell me: a secret


Ran away from home: Not really,.. Taken unauthorized trips-yes
Pictured your crush naked: I see him naked all the time
Skipped school: All the time! I wish I hadn't now
Broken someone's heart: Yea
Been in love: Am right now and always will be
Cried when someone died: Yup
Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: Haven't we all?
Done something embarrassing: Probably
Done a drug: no
Cried in school: yes


Your Good Luck Charm: my wedding set
Person You Hate Most: Haha which one?? Cuz I can name a whole list
Best Thing That Has Happened: Robert and our girls
Ice Cream: Mint chocolate chip
WHO Makes you laugh the most: Robert
Has A Crush On You: Robert
Do You Have A Crush On Someone: Yes and we're married


Fallen for your best friend?: Yes.. again, we're married
Made out with JUST a friend?: Yea
Kissed two people in the same day?: Yup (do kids and husband count?)
Had sex with two different people in the same day?: Nope.. I'm not a whore, thank you
Been rejected: Yea.. it was depressing
Been in love?: Currently am!
Been used?: No, I don't allow people to use me
Done something you regret?: I have no regrets.. They're life lessons
Cheated on someone?: Never
Been called a tease: A few times LOL


You touched?: Alyssa
You talked to on the phone?: Robert
You hugged?: Kaite
You instant messaged?: Val
You kissed?: Kaite
You yelled at?: Kaite
Who text messaged you?: Trina
Who broke your heart?: No one as of lately
Who told you they loved you?: Kaite and Robert
More surveys @ MySpaceBulletins.com

My Interests

I like shopping, karaoke, having my nails done, getting a pedicure & massage, reading, fishing, camping, hanging out with my husband or girl friends, and cuddling with my kids. I'm also addicted to chocolate covered cherries ;)I DON'T like drama or people who put others down all the time to make themselves feel important.

I'd like to meet:

Mature people who don't go around trying to stir up whatever crap they can just because they have nothing better to do with their time.


Dierks Bentley, Taylor Swift, Sugarland, Miranda Lambert, Carrie Underwood, Johnny Cash, Willie Nelson, Justin Timberlake.. just to name a quick few.


Talladega Nights, The Sweetest Thing, Top Gun, Fried Green Tomatoes, Rounders, Out Cold.. Too many to name


The Girls Next Door, Grey's Anatomy, Family Guy, Everybody Loves Raymond, Extreme Makeover:Home Edition, Deal or No Deal, Big Brother..


Anything by Nora Roberts or John Grisham


My husband Robert. He puts up with a lot of crap but yet he still manages to be the best husband and daddy there is.. I LOVE YOU HONEYBUN and thank you so much for all that you do for our little family!Also, Dierks Bentley. He's an amazing artist and his music has gotten me through a lot of things. He's even more awesome to hang out with in person because you can tell how much he loves and cares for each and every one of his fans. YOU'RE THE GREATEST, DIERKS!

My Blog

Cleaning House & Puppy Dogs

Just taking a break from cleaning up my house.  It's coming along pretty well.  I had a late night last night though.  Our new pup, "Bandie"-she's a Red Heeler got biten by our Lab "Pri...
Posted by *~*~Jennifer~*~* on Wed, 23 May 2007 01:20:00 PST

Fun with blogs!

Leave your name in my blog comments. Once you do that, this is what I'll do for you...1. I'll respond with something random about you.2. I'll tell you what song/movie reminds me of you.3. I'll pick a ...
Posted by *~*~Jennifer~*~* on Tue, 22 May 2007 01:32:00 PST


Mom called me today and Grandad didn't have to have surgery.  Turns out it wasn't a blood clot, it's some built up calcium in his vein that's from an old injury so he's fine.  He was complai...
Posted by *~*~Jennifer~*~* on Tue, 22 May 2007 08:22:00 PST

Ahh Home Sweet Home & Stuff

Well here it is, Sunday evening.  The kids have 4 and a half days of school left.. HALLELEUAH!  No more getting up at the ass crack of dawn and then having to go pick them up in the middle o...
Posted by *~*~Jennifer~*~* on Mon, 21 May 2007 07:54:00 PST

The Haircut

Ok.. for those of you that don't know, I chopped my hair off..  Yea, it's gone lol  I finally got fed up with it and I'll tell you this.. It feels SO much better having it off my neck, light...
Posted by *~*~Jennifer~*~* on Wed, 16 May 2007 06:47:00 PST

The Many Wonderings of My Mind

Ya know, motherhood is a funny thing.  When I was pregnant with Kaite, I was like "oh my god, what the hell am I going to do?  I'm 19 and just figured out what I want to do with myself."&nbs...
Posted by *~*~Jennifer~*~* on Tue, 15 May 2007 08:56:00 PST

Mom's Surgery

For those of you keeping up about my mom, here's an update: They did a colonoscopy on her this morning.  There's no tumor.  What it is, is scar tissue from her hysterectomy.  Apparently...
Posted by *~*~Jennifer~*~* on Mon, 14 May 2007 11:42:00 PST


This shit cracks me up.. So you have friends that read blogs that are apparently about you and they tell you to go read them. So you go and check them out and after reading it, you think "Ok.. th...
Posted by *~*~Jennifer~*~* on Sat, 12 May 2007 09:23:00 PST

This & That

Well, where do I start?  I'll just divide it up into subsections for easier reading LOL Mom: My mom has a tumor, they think in her rectal area so now they're thinking she has colon cancer, w...
Posted by *~*~Jennifer~*~* on Thu, 10 May 2007 06:31:00 PST

It's more than I thought..

Some of you know that I've been having a lot of stomach problems lately that have started in the past couple of years but progressed more and more.. Well, now I know what's wrong. After talking to a f...
Posted by *~*~Jennifer~*~* on Sat, 05 May 2007 01:45:00 PST