Work, sleep, gettin paid.
God,Game,Lil Wayne,Juelz Santana, The Most Gangsta Rappers Out There
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Menace 2 Society, Waist Deep, Fresh, Scarface, Gangsat Movies
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Family Guy, Boondocks, NBA Playoffs
Sex Preference
Top or Bottom Both I Like A Girl Dat Can Ride
Morning or Night Both I Wake Up I Want It
Lights on or off Both
Touching or kissing Touching
Giver or Reciever Reciever
Nice & slow or Rough & fast Rough and Fast
Bitting or Kissing Neither
Scratching or tickling Neither But She Can Scratch Though
Grabbing or caressing Slapping Dat Ass, Fuck Grabbing
loud or quite Loud, I Like Her Screamin My Name
Drunk or Sober Drunk
Outside or Inside Inside
Standing up or laying down Both
Pain or Pleasure Pleasure
A Break or straight Straight Through Bust Bout 3 Nuts
Under or on top of the covers On Top I Wanna See It All
Clothes on or off Off, Butt Ass Naked
Good or Bad
Foreplay Good, I Like To Make Her Wet
Whipped Cream Its Cool
Fudge Naw To Messy
One night stand Hell Yea
Booty calls Hell Yea
pillow bitting Yea She Can Do That
Long toe nails Naw
Sex toys Hell Naw
Ashy elbows Haha Naw
Soft Skin Yea Like That
Music Maybe