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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

Calla, also answers to Cal. I'm a big deal, currently a Floridian, 23 , blonder than you, implants, pierced, totally proud to be made in Moscow , cam whore, cam slut, cam bitch, girl who likes to watch, absolutely, devoted Paris Hilton fanatic for life, highly sexual, vain, pretty little tragedy, make-up whore (MAC for life bitch), © s boys in bands, bi, unpredictable, sexy, ambitious, gainfully employed as a executive analyst, profane & profound, an enigma wrapped inside a riddle, more than just my bra size or the colour of my thong, loves meeting new people, passionate for the colour PINK, fu©ked your boyfriend, (maybe did your girl too), loves boys and 40 yr old fat, hairy men with cams, loves all manner of sex but not a slut, crazy about military guys, unashamedly into threesomes, foursomes, fivesomes, etc. etc.
I'm finally back and ready to let the world feel me. Most days you can find me in my condo dancing my ass of to either some rock or rap. Occassionally I whore myself out by caving in to the pop musack. I spend the weekends with my lovers watching getting drunk and finding new and inventive ways to climax. I am not a stupid girl, but I am a vain one. I like to be told I'm pretty and I like to be pretty. I dislike being around other girls unless we're naked. I dislike the fat and/or ugly MySpace hater girls so fuck off. It's not my fault I'm gorgeous.I change my look everyday. I can be smart, I can be a slut, I can be a tease, I can be everything and nothing.
I keep it real.
I'm a big deal, like I said before and everyone's fantasy. I should warn you in fact: this personality is addicting. You will never want to let me go.
My looks don't even matter much. Boys get whipped off my mind and my game. I can dress it down in sweats or jeans and a tee or I can rock the shortest mini in the club and make you forget your own name. This girl is too much for most of you to ever understand.
You know you love me.
Random Facts About Calla to the...:
1. I could spend all day on a beach and still want more.
2. I used to be a cam whore.
3. I admire Paris Hilton.
4. I have more boy friends than girls.
5. I love to sit up all night with cigarettes, drinks and good friends.
6. I always get my way.
7. I didn't steal your boyfriend. He probably went willingly.
8. I say bitch too much.
9. I refuse to do what you think I will.
10. I'm nobody's fool.
I always win.
In the end, life is just a game won by those who play the best. I play to win. I love surprising people. Being smart, having a career, owning my own home and 2 cars: when all my life people told me I'd be nothing but a pretty girl who also was a good time in bed. Word to the wise: always let them underestimate you while you never underestimate yourself. Play to win. Play hard and play fair. But whatever you do, be you.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I love Paris and Nicole, so obviously them. Who wouldn't want to meet them? Look at these hot bitches!

Some cute guys. Some hot girls. Someone to make me laugh. Someone to make me forget myself and anything bad that's ever happened.

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