C'est moi. profile picture

C'est moi.

Oh dear....

About Me

Esse est percipi.

My Interests

Music, being, living, breathing, thinking, biking, hiking, walking, talking, drinking good beer, whiskey, creating, cats, snowboarding, getting ridiculous tattoos, dreaming, people watching, running, scarves, scissors, pens, pencils, climbing, urban exploration, adventures, misadventures, days off, reading, laying in bed stoned out of my mind listening to records, scoring free stuff, delegating responsibilities, watching videos of people doing stupid things and making fun of them.

I'd like to meet:

People who are good to themselves and each other.


The sound of the demise of civilization. Clicks and beeps and fluctuations in the atmosphere.And all things metal.


Anything by Takashi Miike or Jean-Pierre Jeunet. Asian horror, campy horror, B horror, foreign horror, Mockumentary, Dry British Comedy, Strange movies without much dialogue, 70s post apocolyptic films.


Desperate Housewives, Dexter, Six Feet Under, Heroes


Any and everything mental health and criminal justice related. Haruki Murakami, Kurt Vonnegut (RIP); "All the President's Men" - Bob Woodward, "The Great Gatsby" - F. Scott Fitzgerald, "The Diary of Vaslav Nijinsky", "Hearts in Atlantis" - Steven King. Current Read: "The Lucifer Principle" - Phillip Zimbardo, "Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman" - Haruki Murakami, Chemistry and Bio texts.


"The 'futures' and 'careers' for which American students now prepare are for the most part intellectual and moral wastelands. This chrome-plated consumers' paradise would have us grow up to be well-behaved children. But an important minority of men and women coming to the front today have shown they will die rather than be standardized, replaceable, and irrelevant." - Mario Savio

My Blog


The picture of Socks I have as my default picture is absolutely amazing. "IM IN UR MAISPACE LURKIN UR FOTOS." (Or something spelled as horribly phonetic)I wrote an elaborately pretentious subtitle for...
Posted by C'est moi. on Thu, 20 Dec 2007 05:35:00 PST

Enough is enough!

Another journalistic keystone has succumbed to the dollar. RIP Wall Street Journal, and a big Fuck You! to Rupert Murdoch. Update on my hangover: Gone. Trampoline + too much Hale's IPA = a tremendousl...
Posted by C'est moi. on Sat, 04 Aug 2007 11:25:00 PST

Musique: Eluvium - Copia

Oooh, so you all should feel special, as this is my review for this next Thursday's CPJ. I figure since no one actually reads the CPJ, it won't matter if I 'leak' my article early. You're all more lik...
Posted by C'est moi. on Wed, 21 Feb 2007 07:52:00 PST

A quick update

According to the law, I'm not supposed to be drinking right now... but I am. Oh how wonderful a $3.99 bottle of Veramonte tastes (mind you, this same bottle is sold for $27.50 at P&C... gotta lo...
Posted by C'est moi. on Tue, 28 Nov 2006 11:32:00 PST

Friday the 13th.

Staying awake late at night to have good conversation is something I haven't been able to enjoy much lately. I've had much at the surface level, but none with any real context. Last night however, I w...
Posted by C'est moi. on Sat, 14 Oct 2006 06:47:00 PST

Making plans...

"Making plans is often the occupation of an opulent and boastful mind, which thus obtains the reputation of a creative genius by demanding what it cannot itsellt supply, by censuring what it cannot im...
Posted by C'est moi. on Wed, 13 Sep 2006 11:01:00 PST

its 4am. again. and i hate this country.

Yes, taking another break from writing my econ paper. So far after doing hours upon hours of research on the US's economy, budgeting, government spending and our national debt and comparing that to Ca...
Posted by C'est moi. on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST