:My company, Northwest Bands Dot Com.
Musicians. Artists. Writers. Inventors. Humanitarians. People who have something to say, not something to prove.View All Friends | View Blog
::Genres I like :: Reggae, Ska, Indie, Rock, Emo, Electronica, Dance, Punk, Rockabilly, psychobilly, folk, folk rock, alternative country (such as Wilco). ::Current/Newest Addictions:: PNW: War Stories, Siberian, Kay Kay and his Weathered Underground Otherwise: Cisum Golden, Dan Le Sac vs Scroobius PipFavourite Bands: Incubus, The White Stripes, Mute Math, The KooksJacquee's Record Collection:Pacific NW ::
Things by Isaac Marion: The song of Creation (Book one) The Birth of Darkness. (Book two) The Birth of Light. [2004 release] The Inside. This book by Susan Atkins- from The Manson Family, called... Child of Sin, Child of God. Books about religion... Toaism, Judaism...etc. Helter Skelter. James Dean: little lost boy. Sex,Drugs and Cocoa Puffs Brave New World, by Huxley Doors of perception, by Huxley Tao Te Ching
Mommy and Daddy. George Martin. Brandon Boyd. Keith Hansen. All my amazing friends, they are all honestly some of the most incredible people. Selfless people. People who think for themselves.