The opening sentence to anything you write should cut like a butter knife, smooth and thorough.
Everything following afterwards is full of fillers and quotable dissemination.
Do I really talk like that? Not at all. But when people meet me they most likely won't see anything out of the ordinary. It's not because I'm trying to be a ninja.
It's because I am a ninja.
What I envision in life is a little bit like a movie. I'm hoping all the struggles I'm overcoming will ultimately be rewarded with good reviews and maybe an award.
I hope they don't pick Keanu Reeves to play me, but he's got the monotone voice thing down to a tee. That's me.
God is the only thing I can never become, but they say my madden skills are God-like. Bring it.
No, but seriously. John 8:31-32 If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.
I had to google that.
Basketball is my love. Music is my mistress.
I'm dangerous with a pencil. If I stab you, you'll get lead in your system and that leads to amputation, crabs, then death. Just kidding. You won't lose your arm to a pencil wound.
I love snow which correlates with I love anything that deals with snow. Snowman, snow top covered mountains, snowboarding, snow boner (you have to know what movie i'm talking about).