rechell profile picture


dont rush life,let life rush you

About Me


!Tz fOr Me To KnOw @nD FoR YoU To f!nD OuT!! BuT fOh xUrE..LeT's SeE wHaT cOuLd i PoSsiBLe SaY aBoUt MySeLf? iM a vErY uPfRoNt, SoCiAlAbLe, FriEnDlY pErSoN i TrY tO kEeP tHiNgS liGhT iN aLL aSpEcTs of My LifE bEcAuSe HeY LiFe iS jUsT tOo sHoRt tO tAkE eVeRyThiNg tOo sEriOuSe. i LoVe to mEet nEw pEoPlE aNd aM aLwAyS up To tRy new tHiNgS and i LoVe A cHaLlEnGe.I'm a fun girl I suppose I mostly just go with the flow, I'm laid back type person but I can get wild (with a little drinky drinky in me) I like going to the movies, shopping, and girly stuff. But I dont have much else to say I guess you'll just have to find out what I'm like. *smooches* iM vErY oUtGoIn' BuT iM sHy SuMtYmZ..I AM into modelling and doing a multi level marketing business while studying.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:


u.. simply.. u @nd-> Someone fun that likes to have a laugh and that I could connect with and share a conversation with. Someone who enjoys similar interests as me, or different I suppose. Thats about it I reckon, someone I could have fun with. ADD ME: [email protected]

My Blog

sweeeeeeeeet serenade (-_-)

I was falling asleep in class when suddenly, sopmeone knocked on the class room door andsang " your just good to be true.."We were all shocked. thrilled, and amused! We couldnt wait for the guy to fin...
Posted by on Sun, 14 Aug 2005 03:06:00 GMT